ASkars, Raúl, Stark, and more!

Jul 04, 2009 10:44

Story behind zee pica-ture!

Again it involves Twelfth Night. haha!

It was July 1st. I had a ticket to see Billy Elliot and because the night before we'd seen 'Twelfth Night', we were both wiped and didn't wake up early enough the next morning, we were gonna take a break from the show. (BTW I say we because my friend Kerry who is a huge Anne Hathaway fan, flew in from Sacramento for the week). So I went to my show, which I really enjoyed! and she ended up heading to the Delacorte and 'watched' the first act from Belvedere Castle. Second act she decided to try and ask for better seats from people leaving the show and ended up sitting 5th row in section E (senior section). My show let out around 11:00 PM so I started walking back to the dorm. She calls me just as I'm approaching 59th saying the show just let out and that I should come to the stage door. I didn't really want to but I thought "what the hell, why not?" and because I still really wanted a picture with Hammish Linklater). So I hopped in a cab (because I wanted to make it in time) and got to the Delacorte shortly after. There was a surprisingly small amount of people at the door that evening. I guess they were having a Bank of America thank you night for the cast after the show so it took the cast extra long to get out (which was fine).

Oh! I happened to be wearing my Fangtasia shirt that day. And some girl saw the back and started laughing. I turned and asked whats up and she said it was just funny because "he was here." I didn't fully understand what she meant until I looked over behind the gate and there was a tall blonde man talking with Stark. it was then I knew that Alexander Skarsgard was there that night. I started freaking out a bit. I had totally said in passing one day a couple weeks ago to my friends that it would be so awesome if he showed up to see Stark (who'd been in Generation Kill with him). And holy crap he did! Lucy Liu was there that night too (-that was cool because I loved her in AM)! I waited 'patiently' on the grass (which means I was freaking out and hyperventilating haha)

After about ten-fifteen minutes he strolled out. He's gorgeous in RL. And tall (which I expected). I quickly asked him if I could have a picture and showed him my shirt laughing that it was pretty great that I'd worn it today. He sorta smirked and looked at his friend and said "Oh God" haha. I tried to get on my tippy toes to add a little bit to my height but FAILED. XD I said thank you when we finished and told him I loved the show. (I was going to say his character was my favorite from the books but my brain was mush at that point) He went on his way, taking another picture with a couple other girls.

I continued to wait for Hamish who did actually come out but ran back in (which I later discovered was to take pictures with some of the Bank of America people and the rest of the cast). Anne came out shortly after (I hid from her haha) and thankfully most everyone left after that (fans I mean). So Kerry, me, a couple of girls waiting for Raul and a family of three were left waiting. Stark came out first and laughed asking what number this way. I said I hadn't actually seen the show tonight and motioned to Kerry saying she had. I showed him my shirt saying something about how I hadn't worn it on purpose and he read it and laughed "Oh Alex was here. haha. He's hilarious." or something to that effect. I think we talked some more but I really don't remember. OH! I do now. The girl with the her parents asked him about the best part about doing the show and he said it was such an amazing cast. And that he was so lucky to be able to be on stage with Raúl and Audra and to sing with them (and Annie too). And there was more to it but again I don't remember)XD

Finally, Hamish came back out (actually I thin Hamish came out before Stark... either way...) and I got my picture with him. He thanked us for waiting for him and I just smiled (I think I told him he did a great job tonight... even though I hadn't seen the show :P).

I refuse to put Raúl under a cut! XD
I decided I wanted to wait for Raúl to come out (How could I not! There were only 7 of us there!) Stark had made a joke about how they'd set up desserts and wine so Raúl might take a little bit longer. One of the Raúl fans said "Oh, he likes his wine" and Stark said "Yes he does. I've had to deliver some wine to him before" (Or something like that). LOL.

Raúl came out about ten minutes later, Kerry and I had been heading towards home but I'm sooo glad we stayed. He was looking great, as always. He talked with the other people first (which was fine considering this was my... 8th time there). He took a great picture with the girl, he lifted her up and it was kind of adorable (yes, I was SOOO jealous).

When Raúl came over to us he read my shirt and asked if it was from True Blood. XD I said yeah it was and he said he was reading the first book!! (The more I learn about this man, the more I love him). He said he couldn't put it down and I replied that they were really addicting books and that I'd read them all. He also said that he had watched the entire first season and that he kinda wished he didn't know what was going to happen [in the books]. I wanted to say something to that but I thought I'd let it go because I didn't want to spoil him. :P He asked if the guy who played Eric was here tonight and I nodded. He said that when he'd met him he'd thought he looked familiar but couldn't exactly say from where. He then started naming the people he knew from the show (WHICH WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER). He was good friends with one of the cast members (who I just totally forgot), he knew a few others through people (Rutina and some others) and I guess he's met Anna. I honestly could hardly pay attention to what he was saying because a) It's Raúl Esparza, my favorite stage actor, and b) I'm talking about True Blood/Southern Vamp series with RAUL-FUCKING-ESPARZA!!! XD We talked awhile longer but like I said, I was totally out of it!

I asked for a picture (again) and he gladly obliged. After the pic, I finally had the courage to tell him that Jim and Sandy, Kelly Grant's parents said hi to him (my friend who was in Company with him). He smiled widely and said "Oh! The next time you talk to them tell them (I REALLY don't know if I remember this that well) that 'I love 'em!'" I said I talked to them all the time and that I would definitely relay that message (Sandy is traveling so I emailed them the next morning and Jim was happy and surprised that Raúl remembered them but said they had been around a lot and even met his parents). I went back to Kerry to check my camera and again the picture was washed out so we waited to take another :P (Yeah, I'm a bit crazy, can't you tell??) So we took another picture and as Kerry and I left, Raúl yelled "Goodnight, Fangtasia!" and smiled. (Oh yeah, I can die happy now) So basically I doubt anyone can surpass this man in my heart now (at least in regards to thespians/actors, even George Clooney.)

Note: He was the last one out and the remaining security guard, a female asked if he wanted her to walk him out (I guess we seemed like the type to follow him home haha!). He said he was okay. (I will admit to watching him walk towards wherever it is he lives until he was out sight... CREEPER!)

I've since gone to see 'Twelfth Night' twice more and tried to get my picture signed but he's escaped both times. XD (which is totally fine) I'm up to my tenth time seeing it! Only two more to go! Unless I don't count the rainout. But for now I will. Its getting ridiculous how early people are starting to line up. I got there at 530 on Thursday (the 2nd, I didn't even go to bed I was too wired from above events) and was about 25th in line, still at the beginning near the box office. But by 730 the line was already around the corner. And I talked to the guy I sat next to who happened to be at the showing last night (he gave Kerry and I a ticket and we were gonna split up the show, me- first act, her- second, but we ended up getting a pair of third row tickets from people leaving the show during intermission. Talk about AMAZING seats) and he said that he got there at 530 that morning and was already past the corner. CRAZY. I'm so glad I went as often as I did during previews. Kerry and I will go Sunday and that'll probably be the last time I see it until my attempt at closing night (I'm guessing I'll be sleeping at the theatre).

BTW to all you Hair fans, Will has left with Audra the last two nights I've gone, they are so adorable! And yesterday was her birthday!

Alas, I must go eat now! Hope everyones weekends are going well so far!

tv- true blood, actor- stark sands, love- raul esparza, place- new york city, novels- southern vampire, theatre- twelfth night, famous people

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