make invisible ink. make an acid poison. fling it in their eyes.

Jun 04, 2010 00:15


Okay, if you follow my Tumblr you've already seen this. But I had way too much fun doing it, so I'm posting it here, too. What did I do, you ask? I paired up quotes from Austin Grossman's Soon I Will Be Invincible with caps from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

[There are no spoilers for the book and no real spoilers for DH either. But, seriously, if you haven't watched DH yet, what the hell is wrong with you?]

He who laughs last laughs longest, and I happen to have a really good laugh. [pg 259]

“Do it, boy. Beat them hollow.” [pg 257]

I never really had a girlfriend before that, or afterward, obviously. [pg 173]

A brief pause ensues, a twitchy moment, like the beginning of a gunfight. It’s always chancy, facing down one of these people. No matter who it is, you’re going to be dealing with the end product of a long, improbable story, of a person so strange and powerful that he or she broke the rules of what is ordinarily possible. Whoever you’re facing is guaranteed to be special - an Olympic wrestler, a radioactive freak, the fated son of somebody. They’re winners. Taking a red arrow or a sea horse or the letter G as their symbol, they sally forth to make your life difficult. [pg 193]

This is the part I always forget about until it’s too late, the flaw in the plan, the part where they hit you again and again. [pg 199]

How had I forgotten this? When life gives you lemons you squeeze them, hard. Make invisible ink. Make an acid poison. Fling it in their eyes. [pg 48]

Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone’s problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor. [pg 13]

I’ve dreamed for so long of the day one of my plans will actually be fulfilled, the last step in place, executed to the last detail, the last ball rolling down its ramp into the last cup to pull the last lever in the grandest Rube Goldberg machine of all. [pg 85]

Besides, I never wanted to go back to the way it was before. Heroes have that weakness, not supervillains. When you become a villain you cut your ties and head for the bottom. [pg 17]

If you haven't read Soon I Will Be Invincible yet, I highly recommend it.

picspam: dr horrible, quotes, web: dr horrible, books, picspam

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