remember. let go. move on.

May 26, 2010 11:52

So it took me a few days to do this.

Lost: The End

Honestly, there's no way I could have written anything Sunday night; the episode put me (and everyone else, it seems) through the emotional wringer and I was spending my time trying to not to sob again so I put this off. For the past few days I've just been thinking about the episode and rewatching scenes and listening to the soundtracks and contemplating the awesomeness of this show.

In Damon and Carlton We Trust.

I loved it. Absolutely and completely. I understood it (lol, how could you not?) and I was so happy with everything that happened. It actually stuns me a little how much I'm completely satisfied by the ending.

They're all together. And they're all happy. And that's what I needed.

I love that Richard didn't die in the episode. However, I'm equally glad that - one day - Richard will die, preferably of old age.

I love Ben as Hurley's #2. That's all he really wanted, I think; to be needed, to be important to someone, to help take care of the island. I love that Hurley told Ben he was a good #2 outside the church.

The Jack/Smokey fight on cliff in rain was EPIC TIMES A MILLION. JACK BENDER FOR THE MOTHERFRAKKING WIN. Yes, even the jump-in-the-air-punch. That might be my favorite part. ARE YOU KIDDING? That whole scene I was like "OMG WHEN DID I START WATCHING A MOVIE?!"

Michael Fucking Giacchino. You and Bear McCreary, dude. Why do you make such beautiful music and then leave me? (I just ordered the fourth and fifth season soundtracks - I can't believe I didn't have them already - and I can't freaking WAIT for the sixth.)

Miles believes in duct tape. :D

My favorite awareness/wake-up/whatever you want to call them scenes were Charlie & Claire and Sawyer & Juliet. They were just so sweet and beautiful and perfect and made me cryyyyyyy. Gosh, Dom's face. "It's only a blanket." And Juliet saying stuff from 6x01 ("It worked" and "We can go Dutch.") Josh Holloway's voice when he says "Juliet... Juliet, it's me," good gosh, it does things to me. "I got you, baby." SO MUCH WITH THE CRYING. I also liked Sawyer talking to Sun and Jin at the hospital and those grins they just keep throwing him like "You'll be with us soon enough. And look at you! A cop! We're so proud."

While I never hated Jack, I never liked him either. I thought he was an annoying jerk most of the time. But this last season, particularly the last few episodes? I actually liked him. When he's not being a control freak, Jack's a good guy. And I think I actually loved him for the first time ever in this finale. He was so at peace with his job as the island's protector and for once his being a leader didn't bother me because he was so calm about it. He was going to protect the island no matter what and that stubbornness was actually to his advantage this time.

The end at the church was just... have I used "perfect" too much already? Oh well. It was perfect.

"This is a place that you all made together so that you could find one another. The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people. That's why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone, Jack. You needed all of them and they needed you."

Non-angsty Jack and Christian! Everyone happy and smiling and hugging! Fussing over Aaron! Hurley picking up Jack! The little moments with Desmond & Penny and Sawyer & Juliet. The smiles on Jack and Kate's faces. Everyone's faces. They were just so happy to be together, which was all I really needed.

Remember. Let go. Move on.

I'm probably forgetting tons of stuff I loved. I loved it all, just know that. I haven't rewatched the episode in full yet. I might do that today.

tv: lost, recap

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