world still needs heroes, kid.

Jan 29, 2010 20:39

I was watching some of the Dollhouse special features while I was waiting for my lunch to cook this afternoon and one of them is the actors responding to questions like "Would you ever volunteer to be a doll?" or "What imprints would you want to have?" and so on. And then they're asked if they think Joss is a doll. And, of course, Jed and Maurissa have the best answer:
Maurissa: If so, that's one funny-looking doll.
Jed: Yeah, whose fantasy is that?

Dollhouse 2x13: Epitaph 2: Return
Okay. Slightly coherent thoughts.
Here I go.
• Jed and Maurissa! They wrote an awesome episode! Mo was completely badass and I saw you, Jed, eating at the table at Safe Haven!
• Topher. Topher. He was such a little brain-broken puppy, you guys. They killed someone. In front of him. Every day. You poor thing. It's crazy to think about how... when the show started, I thought Topher had the funny lines, but I didn't really care about him. Now? He's the only thing that made me really emotional about the finale. And I was doing JUST FINE until Adelle realized that the pulse would cause an explosion and he knew it the whole time, and then he leaned in and said "I didn't want to cause any more pain." And then I kinda lost it. And then I was okay until he turned around in Adelle's office and saw the remembrance wall.
• Paul! Died! I figured somebody would die but... I was surprisingly sad about it. I mean, considering I never like Paul all that much (and most of the liking came from just liking Tahmoh). Poor Paul. I loved that they all laughed at him when he told Zone the world needed heroes.
• Honestly I got scared they were gonna kill Mag and I was all nooooooooooo about that so huzzah she's living. If shot up. And crushing on Kilo, lol. :D
• Oh gosh, I almost forgot about the look of pure joy on Topher's face when it was bedtime. And he jumped into the pod and inhaled his blankey. Oh Topher.
• TONY AND PRIYA. TONY AND PRIYA. TONY AND PRIYA. I have lots to say about them. First: THEY HAD A SON NAMED T AND HE'S ADORABLE. Oh gosh. It was killing me a little that Tony wasn't with them, but they had that argument in the truck with his whole "I'm doing this for you!" and she's like "You're doing the one thing I asked you not to!" and GAH. But, wait, what's this? They got a happy ending? Tony gave up the tech for Priya and T? A couple on a Joss show had a happy ending? Jed and Mo must not have shown the script to Joss. ;)
• That being said: Tony all teched-out? HOLY CRIPES THAT'S ATTRACTIVE.
• Alpha was sane! (And scruffy!)
• Topher watching Bennett. :(
• I dunno how that Paul-in-Echo's-head thing is gonna work but, whatever, it doesn't really have to 'cause the show's over. NGL, I thought Echo's breakdown over Paul (when Priya was smashing the tech) was some of Eliza's best acting on the show.
• Adelle is so awesome. Badass (telling Zone to keep a civil tongue) and sweet (any scene with Topher) all wrapped up in one awesome British package.

Things I Bummed They Didn't Address (But I Get Why With The Limited Time)
• Alpha's sane now?
• Soooo did Whiskey die at the end of Epitaph One or what?
• And there was something else but now I can't remember.

Great finale for the show. I'm gonna miss it, but people weren't lying when they said the best thing that happened to this show was getting cancelled. I want to rewatch it, like, now.

I can't think anymore. I'm sure I'll have more to say later.

recap, pen: the hot brothers and mo, tv: dollhouse, pen: joss

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