the old farts are dying

Apr 07, 2009 19:25

I've been in a sci-fi mood lately with my books.

I read John Scalzi's Zoe's Tale a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. After that I read Dune Messiah, which I also loved. I'm reading Scalzi's Old Man's War right now and I think I can safely say - even though I've only read 1.5 of Scalzi's books - that he is awesome and I want to read everything he's written, like, right now. I'm hoping the used bookstore has Ghost Brigades or The Last Colony when we go on Wednesday; I'm also going to look for Children of Dune.

I picked up another sci-fi novel yesterday: The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. I've never heard of it before and, to be honest, I picked it up originally because it said on the cover that Scalzi wrote the introduction. But it sounds really cool and it won a Hugo so I figured it was a safe buy.

Anybody have any sci-fi book recs for me? I've read some Herbert and Scalzi and OSC and even the novelization of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I have Hyperion by Dan Simmons, but I haven't read it yet and I left it at school. I think I just might go find a list of Hugo winners and look up those, but I didn't know if any of y'all had any suggestions.

books: recs, books, pen: scalzi

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