I'm still freaking out over the news that we'll have a new Christopher Moore novel in the not-too-distant future.
this interview:
What’s in the pipeline for upcoming projects?
MOORE: I'm working on book set in medieval England right now that has a ton of Shakespearian themes in it. I don't know what I'll do immediately following that book, but I'd like to write the third in my vampire series in the next couple of years. Both Marvel and DC have approached me about creating a graphic novel, so I may do that. I'd like to do another whale book, too, if I can come up with a story that will carry the research. Eight of the ten books have been bought for film, so something may happen on that front, although I'm not involved in any of them.
First: I hope that means it just has Shakespearean themes and isn't Shakespearean. I mean, I'll read anything by the man but I'd kinda had my heart set on knights and such. But whatever: it's a Moore book, I'll read it and love it. Second: A;LSKDFJ;A;ALKSDJFA;KDJF;AKJ Fluke was the first Moore book I read and everytime I go back and reread it I say it's my favorite. Either that or A Dirty Job, I can never decide. OMG I love Nate and Clay and Kona and Amy a;flkja;dskfja;. Please write another whale book.
Also, when asked on his blog comments if this new book had a completely new set of characters, he replied "All new to my books. Although not necessarily new to you." Does that mean it's something Lamb-esque in Medieval England? Would it be too much to still hope for King Arthur?
GOSH DARNIT, CHRIS. Stop being cryptic and give us a title/dust jacket summary/first chapter.