you nearly drank yourself to death

Aug 03, 2006 22:48

01. Because I'm a dumbass and didn't wear my retainers all the time at college I had to go to the orthodontist today. I have to get a new bottom retainer (goodbye $180) and I have to wear my top one full time for at least two weeks (hello returning Retainer Lisp). The retainer also makes me look even younger. If that's possible. (I'd forgotten how I sound like Hannibal Lector when I swallow with this thing, damn.)

02. I'm not sure why, but it amuses me greatly when NBC shows "30 Rock" and "Studio 60" commercials back-to-back.

03. Speaking of Studio 60, check out these Pilot icons that call_me_daisy made. They're gorgeous. I'm in awe.

04. I had a dream last night where Hannah (my old roommate) and I were hanging out in the upstairs children's section of Barnes&Noble waiting for the seventh Harry Potter book to come out, only this B&N was like twice the size of a normal one. And we were the eighth people in line and while we were waiting we read A Dirty Job and put little comma and semicolon stickers (from the Eats, Shoots & Leaves punctuation repair kit) all over the shelves we were leaning up against. And as they were calling our number to get our book I woke up.

05. I'm in the back room on Orion and Mom is in the living room on the PC and we're IM-ing each other right now. This is sad.

tv: studio 60, mom, pen: sorkin, irl, fun: dreams, icons, hannah

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