lost crack!drabble: "mandyville: hotel de lost"

May 20, 2006 12:37

Title: Mandyville: Hotel de Lost
Author: corellianjedi
Disclaimer: It all belongs to JJ and Damon and Carlton. Well except for Damon and Carlton themselves, unless they belong to each other.
Words: 309
Rating: G
Summary: What Lost's recurring characters do when they aren't onscreen, and what happens when they're called back to duty.
Author's Note: A [long] drabble because I am A) bored and B) excited for the finale.

"Trip Sevens."

"Straight to the Queen." Desmond laid down his cards and Christian Shepherd swore before pouring himself another scotch.

"You are very good at this game," Rousseau remarked, gathering the cards and shuffling them.

"Kelvin taught me poker. Not much to do down in those bunkers, yeah?" Desmond grinned. "He always played with his good luck charm," he said, pointing to the stuffed bunny in his lap. Desmond held out the toy to Christian. "Wanna hold it for a while, brotha?" Jack's father just scowled and threw back another drink.

"I wish I had known you were playing down there; I could have come to visit." Rousseau poured the American another scotch.

"Kelvin could've used the company, if you know what I mean. I got a gull waitin' for me back home."

"Deal the damn cards." Christian let his head fall to the table with a thump.

A knock at the door silenced the game. "What?!" Christian shouted. Damon and Carlton poked their heads in the doorway.

"Desmond? Hey, uh, we need you back, brother," Damon stuttered.

"We sent your jumpsuit to the cleaners for you; it's waiting in your room down the hall." Carlton pointed out the door. "Don't shave before you leave okay?"

"Oh and we've got another friend for you guys," Damon stepped into the room and beckoned a woman forward from where she had been standing behind him. "Everyone this is Libby." Christian gave a drunken, half-hearted wave, Rousseau nodded sagely, and Desmond grinned as he gathered his belongings to leave.

"Go ahead and have my seat, gull, I won't need it for a while, yeah?" Desmond pointed to his chair and Libby sat down graciously. He stuffed Kelvin's old toy bunny in his backpack and hefted it onto his shoulder. He turned in the doorway as he left.

"See ya in another life!"

tv: lost, fic, fic: lost

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