don't let me down, hunger games

Mar 22, 2012 22:17

I'm about to leave to go see HUNGER GAMES AT MIDNIGHT WOOOOO with two of my coworkers but I have two things to say first:

A) AHAHAHAHAHAH i'm so fucked for this Collections midterm omg. I'm making so little progress but I'm so burned out I an't make myself care. This is not good.

B) I just reblogged some production photos for "To Kill a Mockingbird" on Tumblr and it gave me this weird FEELINGS ATTACK about my mom. My mom, as a child, looked quite a bit like Mary Badham actually. Like, the image of Scout I have in my head when I read? I didn't realize this until about a year ago when my mom found a bunch of old photo albums and we were going through them and I was just inundated with page after page of my mother as a child, but Scout in my head when I read? Is my mom as a kid. It wasn't a conscious thing. MY MOM IS SCOUT IS WHAT I'M SAYING and now I want to rewatch that movie and reread the book frak frak frak dammit Tumblr why do you give me feelings about everything?

Okay, gotta find my shoes and my candy and goooooooo.

mom, movies, grad school, books

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