Ten Nine* Awesome Things from 2011 (in no particular order)
01. I moved into my own place, like an honest-to-gosh grown-up.
02. I quit Kohl's and got a [better pay, better hours, better atmosphere] job at a library.
03. I traveled to Ohio for Hro's wedding and got to hang out with Intensity again.
04. I started grad school (which is awesome in the fact that it means I'm moving forward towards something) and got all As and Bs in my first semester (which is just awesome period).
05. I went to NYC for the first time and attended NYCC with
lady_maethoriel, and
06. These
two videos, courtesy of the amazing
beurrage that never fail to make me giggle like a small child.
07. Fandom stuff: I reread Thursday Next! I read the Joe Ledger series! I finally watched Eureka! Sanctuary's "Normandy" was literally 44 minutes of perfection! Castle is just fucking flawless! I finished Stargate SG-1 (okay, I watched most of it in 2010, but I finished in January so it counts)! And then there was Downton Abbey, Super 8, Captain America, Sherlock Holmes 2, Warm Bodies...
08. I put myself out there a little bit: sang in the church choir, volunteered at the library, attended a writing workshop, and I think I've made some friends here in CoMo. Basically, I survived social interaction.
09. My friends Bryan and Arlene had a little girl. That's more of an awesome thing for them, I suppose, but they call me "Aunt Lizz," which is pretty awesome for me.
*Yeah, I came up with only 9 things. But some are broad. This was a... let's go with tumultuous year. There were fun things and there were frustrating things but in the end I'm here and I'm loved and I'm in a better place than I was a year ago, so I'll call it a win.