MEME! y Random vario (?)

May 25, 2009 13:58

The Dean/Castiel Kink Meme

Porn or not, every angel&human has fantasies.

Fuera de Eso (L) y entre otras cosas:
- Meme de Las Fotografías!: (robado vilmente a
justcyanide ) Básicamente: Pidanme fotos de lo que deseen, excepto de mi, obviamente xD.

-Y respondiendo al meme dejustcyanide , me corresponde el personaje de Anna:

01.Do you like this character?
Yeah! :)

02. What names do you call this character?
Anna, no es como si diera para más xD

03. What image/color do you associate with this character?
Rojo fuego y Rosa Pastel.

04. What image/song do you associate with this character?
Heaven’s a Lie (Lacuna Coil)

05. What bloody type do you think this character is?
xDD Que se yo, FallenAngel RH+

06. Of all the titles this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with? /
Cass! *-*

07. What would you want to say to this character?
Awwww! *Hugs Her* Que gracias por Matar a Uriel y Salvar a Cass, y que se aleje de Dean (??)

08. What do you want to do with this character?
Achucharla, ni otra xD

09. What's your favorite quote by this character?
“I was stationed on Earth two thousand years. Just watching. Silent. Invisible,. Out on the road. Sick for home. Waiting for orders from an invisible father, I can't begin to understand...”

10. Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character. Let me know if you want a character and I'll give you one.
Si quieren un personaje me dicen :D

- Y por último, pero no menos importante; Pregunten lo que prefieran :), que yo responderé honestamente :D; ya saben, para conocernos mejor y ese rollo ;).

Os quiero, Flist :')

yo: publi!publi!, coreisfine, yo: tengo una flist cool!, fandom: supernatural

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