Title:Super Junior Plusx2 (SJP2 SS 3) (Part 2/4)
Summary:Kyuhyun feel boring that day and decide to play a prank to his member and also a chance to get Ryeowook.What will happen to other member when Kyuhyun start his dirty plan.
P/s:The drabble is not include in the story SJP2...I hope everyone notice it 6-6..I get this idea when I was washing my cloth and TADA>>>>>>>This the the story of the naughty Kyu >>>>>>>>>>
"I'm hungry today...where is Ryeowook,he still not cook yet?I will eat my chocolate then while waiting for dinner to serve..",Shin dong walk in the kitchen and open the fridge to get some chocolate that he bought yesterday but then he surprise when all the chocolate is gone.
"Who stole my chocolate?"
"Shindong,I bought some chocolate at the store just now,do you want to share with me?",Kyuhyun show the chocolate that he just stole from the fridge to Shindong and he smile happily while nod.
"I never knew that you like to share with others?except Ryeowook..and the chocolate you bought just like my missing chocolate,do you see my chocolate in the fridge?"
"No....maybe Donghae stole your chocolate...You know he like chocolate too.. and why don't you share with me..I think I will never finish this chocolate alone..."
"Ermm..okay",Kyuhyun give him the chocolate and Shindong eat it without even check the chocolate that had glue in it.
"How is the chocolate glue,Shindong?",Shindong try to open his mouth but it still can't open and he chase Kyuhyun who run away from him while laughing.
"Are you talking something..hahaha",Kyuhyun push the flower vase down and Shindong fell to the floor after he hit on the vase.The vase broke into pieces and Shindong bounce in the room and land on the table.He feel his body hurt and also his mouth while the table broke into pieces.
"That was fun,now Zhoumi turn!",Kyuhyun enter Zhoumi room and see him sleeping on the bed and he put the soap on the floor while climb on the bed with an evil smirk.He take the chili sauce and put on his both eyes and both his nose hole while put some hot chili in his mouth.He walk backward slowly to the door and blow the whistle loudly that make Zhoumi awake and bit the chili in his mouth.
"Argh!! It hot!!What is this..owh,my eyes!!?I can't breathe,it hot!!",He scream when he feel his eyes hurt and his inner nose feel hot too.He stand up from his bed to wash his face but then he slide on the soaps and heading to Kyuhyun but then Kyuhyun hurriedly close the door that make Zhoumi land on the hard door of his room.
"Woah,that close...I'm almost get hurt.Now,Sungmin",Kyuhyun tick Shindong and Zhoumi name before he walk to Sungmin room.
"Oh,Kyuhyun.. come in"
"What are you doing?"
"My pink bunny ring is missing...I can't remember the place that I put that ring..Can you help me to find the ring?"
"Sure..I like to help",Kyuhyun walk in and pretending to search for the ring while he put a rat under the blanket and he feel more happy when he see a ring under it.
"Perfect...today is my lucky day..hehehe"
"Do you found anything?"
"Nope..not yet..",Kyuhyun hide the ring in his hand and make an innocent smile to Sungmin.
"Do you have check the bed yet?"
"Owh,I almost forget about it...",Sungmin walk to the bed and open the blanket while Kyuhyun put the cheese in his pant.He shock when the rat jump on him and he scream loudly that make Kyuhyun throw the ring in his mouth to shut up.
"Erg...",Sungmin touch his throat when he feel the pain in his while looking angrily to Kyuhyun.
"Look the rat!",Kyuhyun point to the rat and Sungmin eyes become wide when he see the rat walk in to his pant.He jump in the room to let the rat out from his pant while touch his throat.Kyuhyun laugh and walk out from the room while closing the door.
"He is not lucky today,poor him...this cheese is good too..",Kyuhyun take the cheese from his pocket and eat it while move to the place that Eunhyuk always there with his monkey.
"Ermm...how can I get that monkey?",Kyuhyun think and smile evilly when he see a bunch of banana on the ground.He take the banana and put in his pocket while eating some of it.He take a sack in the store and hide behind the tree.
"He is sleeping...great...",Kyuhyun look at Eunhyuk who sleeping on the tree with his monkey and whistle slowly to call his monkey.The monkey awake and look at the banana that been hold by Kyuhyun.
"Come here.....I have banana",The monkey climb down and walk to Kyuhyun but then he hurriedly capture it with the sack before the monkey can get the banana.He tie the sack and throw it in the bushes while smile happily.He walk to eunhyuk and hold his arm slowly to unawakened him.He pull eunhyuk both arm and bring it to another tree.He tie the arm on the tree and to other tree too and walk slowly to Eunhyuk.He take the bird feathers and tickle eunhyuk feet while pinch his nose with his finger.
"That the thing will happen when sleeping without shoes and act like a monkey.",Eunhyuk awake while laugh when he feel the ticklish on his feet and Kyuhyun push him from the tree.Kyuhyun smirk very evilly to Eunhyuk who hit the tree and to other tree where his hand been tied up by him.
"It a good thing,eunhyuk get rubber power...his body can stretch long enough to hurt himself,hahaha",Kyuhyun walk into the house and feel happy when he see Ryeowook walk out from the room.
"Wookie....",Kyuhyun run to Ryeowook while he take a large book and hide his face.Kyuhyun hit and kiss the book instead of Ryeowook.
"Ouch and yuck!!",Ryeowook walk backward while hide his face with the book that he hold.Kyuhyun wipe his mouth and look at Ryeowook who walk backward to their room.Kyuhyun close the room door and Ryeowook feel his back hit the closed door.
"You can't enter now...babe",Ryeowook blush when Kyuhyun take the book away from his face with an evil smirk.
"K..Kyu....how about you turn around and look at the surrounding before do anything to me..",Kyuhyun turn his head around while Ryeowook open the door and walk in before he close the door that make Kyuhyun kiss the door instead him again.
"Darm!! I will make you more worse that I say before this!!",Kyuhyun wipe his mouth after he tried to open the room door that been lock again by Ryeowook.
(In other place)
"Hahaha,today is the best day to destroy them....Key Kibum,this is your chance to make him suffer with his own naughtiest..."
"Yes,master Jaejoong...."
Sorry if it worse part...I don't know why I be like this tonight...I'm sick of my life!! Comment are love...*Crying
Jaejoong and Key is evil character...You will know them in SJP2 Chapter 2.The evil character is DBSK,BEAST/BEST and Shinee..
Thanks for reading it and if you knew to this story...open the character list power..
SJP2 List Power Part 1 Part 3