Aug 05, 2002 18:32
So much has been going on that I don't even know where to start. I don't know what to say. I don't know where to begin. Sometimes, I wish that nobody knew I had this journal . I can no longer put whatever I want. I know you can hide your entries so that no one sees but I don't want anybody to not see. I guess what I mean is I don't want anybody.....well...I can't really put that either. Maybe I'll just start using the other morbid one. I usually use only for times when I totally feel depressed and now-a-days...its very few and far between that I use that. Use that one so no body knows. I can put how I really feel about everything thats going on in my life and not have to worry because even if strangers posted something on my wouldn't really matter because they're giving their two cents from an objective, subjective point of view instead of giving just a subjective point of view. I'm not really sure what to do, anymore.....OH yeah...I'm sick....either that I my i have sinus's..or something like that. I never knew i could get a sinus sickness. I didn't think I ever had it before but I have it now i guess cause I took sinus medicine and I'm feeling a lot better.
What is a man without a dream? A poor man indeed.