(no subject)

Jul 14, 2006 01:25

Ever did Drugs with your parents? Dad came up from Charlotte. We went to look for my now confirmed lost wallet at the surgical center. 5 Guys is close to where we were, so big bugers all round. Pain level elevated and was subrogated by a pair of P's. numbness followed. After dinner, Dad and I set up his computer and looked through some stuff he brought.
One thing now in my possession is a great set of knives. These are Harris Teeter labelled knives. They are full tang, wide cross section, single blade and guard knives. I an impressed. I was expecting a stamped or laser cut blade, but these things are forged and rugged... These things have weight...Even the cleaver.
We later went to Baskin Robbins for my last meal. I had a 3 scoop, hot fudge sundae with Rocky Road, Chocolate Truffle and Chocolate peantbutter cup iced cream.

All in all It's been a great day with Dad. I raised him well. He's grown to be someone I like to be with. When the P's wore off I had another pair. It's disturbing that my painkiller effective dose makes me drooly.

Percocett effects me first by dizzyness, moving to warm facial area and heavy eyes. Shortly thereafter I get dumb and crosseyed. I forget my pain, then when I think to audit my level...It is mostly gone. I dont know if it's because the P's dumb me into not moving or they are truely analgesic....

at present I feel no pain... I am drugged and havent moves except to change channels.
All good. Happy Me.

In less than 11 hours I will be laid open. A puppet to the surgeon's whim.
I'll be back on Saturday. one way or the other. My current situation will change and tomorrow is the pivot.

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