Round Five Results

Aug 22, 2008 09:55

First off, a HUGE congrats and thank you to everyone who participated in this iconathon! We saw some really amazing icons from some really talented people. nikkiwawa79 will be doing the banners for this iconathon and everyone gets one! Just have to give her a little time to make them all pretty.

ljolie (Icons 1, 2, 3): 16 + 64 (previous score) = 80
xlivvielockex (Icons: 4, 5, 6): 20 + 25 (previous score) = 45
nikkiwawa79 (Icons 7, 8): 9 + 17 (previous score) = 26
whatnow73 (previous score): 13
dischargie (previous score): 10
relyko (previous score): 125

So as you can tell, our winner for Round Five is


CONGRATS also to our second and third place winners:




Again, thanks to everyone who participated. Final scores were as follows

relyko: 125
ljolie: 80
xlivvielockex: 45
nikkiwawa79: 26
whatnow73: 13
dischargie: 10

challenge #05, results, round #05

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