Customer Service was here today for my Miele dishwasher. Now it works again \o/
It 'lost' water when working because the door wasn't closed correctly I was told. And there was a screw missing in the lock. Testing showed it was okay; now let's hope it will continue to work. ...
Just searched my LJ: I had a problem with it and CS here on Sept. 1st. On Sept. 7th I've found a screw but didn't see where it was missing. If it was the same screw that was missing today then the machine worked a long time without it; but the other CS should have seen it (well I didn't though). Then 2015 the problem with the software or whatever - the machine is still working even if the last CS told me in 2015 the machine was too loud and wouldn't work long now. *knocks on wood*
Those who were declared dead live longer / Totgesagte leben länger. ;) Let's hope that saying is true.