17. faith lehane (ats) icons for btvsats20in20 (and a few extras) [35]

Mar 29, 2016 22:58

Here are my icons for btvsats20in20. I chose Faith Lehane for this round, she is my favorite character, but I decided to only icon her in Angel rather than Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was definitely interesting and I capped my own episodes, which was a lot of fun... but I hate how dark the caps are! It was a lot of work to lighten them up for icons... don't think I will be working with these caps again for awhile! ;)

10 Themes


NS + Text
Far Crop
Not Human*

5 Category | SING US A SONG **

Cat 1
Cat 2
Cat 3
Cat 4
Cat 5

5 Artist's Choice ***

AC 1
AC 2
AC 3
AC 4
AC 5


* NOT HUMAN - well, Faith IS a human, so I decided to icon one of her most horrific moments as a human, when she was torturing Wesley
** SING US A SONG - so, we had to put our music on shuffle and use the first song played as inspiration for the category set... my song ended up being "You Lie" by The Band Perry.  I took a line from the song, "I ought to kill you right now and do the whole wide world a service", so I iconned Faith when she looked like she might kill someone :)
*** ARTIST CHOICE - Sanctuary is one of my favorite Faith episodes ever, so I only iconned Faith in that episode for the AC set

here are some other icons I've made recently, the Supernatural ones are my extremely unfinished set for episodes20in20

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Lucifer x2 / Once Upon a Time / Supernatural


+ please do not hot link any images
+ textless icons are not bases
+ comments are ♥
+ please credit crazycordy or cordyism

tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: angel, .20in20, tv: lucifer, tv: once upon a time, .2016

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