Jun 11, 2010 19:31
So I won 33/50 online matches on Super Street Fighter IV earlier. Here are my complaints:
Cammy's Super/Ultra moves have ZERO priority. A subtle breeze will prevent them from hitting the opponent. The character doesn't even have to be fully landed from a JUMP to be able to block them. Seriously, Capcom. Why do you hate her flashy moves so very much?
Whether intentional or accidental, Ibuki is like Cammy's bane. Cammy's 'I go through projectiles' move usually WON'T go through Ibuki's projectiles. Ibuki has a move where she slides along the ground and then throws you if she reaches you. This takes priority over both of Cammy's forward-motion moves. It also hits her if she is standing still. So basically, if Ibuki spams that move, all you can do against it is jump or MAYBE duck-block. And that's dangerous since she can throw you if you block it.
Throws seem to be broken. I can MAYBE pull out of 10% of them, and my opponents don't fare much better. Throwing after you successfully block is like the new trendy thing to do, apparently. It's cheap and totally unfun.
Ryu has this standing punch-to-uppercut combo that does like 40% damage. That's about as much as Cammy's super, assuming the person was willing to walk forward all defenselessly and let you hit them with it. Was this in regular IV? Cuz I certainly don't remember being wall-raped in like 6 seconds by Ryu before.
There are still WAY too many Ken/Sagat/Ryu/Akuma players. Between those 3 characters, it made up 34 of my 50 matches. Guy and Ibuki are popular too, but Guy is easy (why do people PLAY him?) and Ibuki is easy so long as I don't use my main character.
That's all for now. Still wish they'd have left air-block in there from Alpha, but it's a little late to complain about that now.