(no subject)

Apr 12, 2010 03:10

Many of my married friends have been telling me that the drama I have been dealing with is extremely uncommon. So I posed them a question: if I wanted them (the wife) to spend the night at my place to marathon scary movies/anime/whatever, would they? Many of them have done so in the past before marriage, so is it the same now?

The very first one proved my point when she said "Well I couldn't do that now that I'm married..."

I ask this then: Why not? Would your hubby think you'd be cheating on him?
If so, he's a douche and you should leave him anyways. Do YOU think you'd cheat? If so, issues lady. You might want to leave him if you don't even have the self control to stay loyal. She insisted it was neither of these, but offered no good alternative reason instead so whatever.

"What would people think?" was another one. Well, people don't exist.
Enemies will think the worst, friends will know better, and acquaintances will realize you aren't the center of the universe and proceed to not care one way or the other. Seriously, there is no bad unless YOU think there is.

And if you think I'd somehow make an inappropriate move then you obviously don't know me that well and I'd never have invited you over to begin win.

Interestingly, none of them would care if their HUSBANDS wanted to stay over. Well, I'm the same goddamned person no matter which of them is coming over so WTF?!

I guess you can use this as a test then. If you don't believe you could safely stay overnight with a friend of the opposite sex, then your marriage sucks. So there.
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