Jan 09, 2010 19:24
Avatar is the best 3d movie ever. If 3d movies aren't your thing, then that claim may not mean anything to you. But it IS, unquestionably, the best 3d movie of all time.
LotR are big amazing movies that are only 'not liked' by people that didn't care in the first place. Name 1 single movie that would appeal to a fantasy-lover that is better. You can't, because there isn't one. There simply isn't. You can't say "LotR isn't the best" because there is literally nothing that set out to do the same thing that is better. Vampire movies, monster movies, horror movies...these all have PLENTY of competition so the debates can go on for years about which is best. But LotR and Avatar are the best at what they set out to do
Movies can be predictable without that being a bad thing. Before a movie begins, a dude can come out and basically say "There's gonna be a crash, some dude is gonna shoot another dude, someone else is gonna be on fire...oh! And there's a really awesome ship! Whatsherface is gonna betray the main guy and kill his brother at some point too." or whatever the case may be. He can tell you absolutely everything that's about to happen and that will not make it even an inkling of a percent less impressive to see if the acting and/or special effects are good. Plots are just the reason you're watching shit happen. It's the shit that makes a good movie.
Honestly, unless you are an idiot or the movie deliberately makes something unexpected happen FOR THE SAKE of being a twist, all moves are predictable. You might not see a certain character death or specific explosion before it happens, but ultimately the outcome is pretty much spelled out for you within the first 15 minutes.
Seriously, every time a major, amazingly popular and all-around groundbreaking movie comes out, there are people that come out and scoff for no reason other than them not liking whatever is popular. Groundbreaking. That's the best word. Titanic was groundbreaking and an awesome movie. If you didn't like it, you didn't care about the many, MANY things it did right. And I guess no one can make people care. I know a girl that says 'The Whole 9 Yards' was a better movie than Gladiator. Words...cannot even begin to represent the wrongness there.