Raise the Zombies Day

Apr 17, 2006 09:50

So to celebrate the first recorded zombie incident, Christian, Nicole and I went to Nicole's mom's house to hunt for eggs. Now why a zombie has anything to do with bunnies, I have no idea. But they're used to celebrate the zombie anyways, soooo... whatever.

We got the money (don't ask, my ass still hurts) and so I'll be able to fly out to California with Christian in May. We'll leave May 13 and I'll come back May 15. I hate traveling so much, which is odd considering I was more or less a gypsy until I met Nicole.

We took some pics from Raise the Zombies Day, so here ya go. Close your eyes if must, they're gruesome.

Christian and Nicole

Eureka! Another egg!

Jason, Nicole and Christian

Big Bunny!

Missed one.

pictures, raise the zombies day

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