Working on a Plan

May 17, 2009 11:52

Sshh... don't tell anybody I'm here. I'm supposed to be editing.

Corruptor is moving along quite nicely, and I expect to be done by tomorrow night. Yes, that's past the deadline, but I think 24 hours is allowed. It's looking good, and I caught a chronological error early in the story that I had forgotten to remove when I changed the ending. So once that was clear, I was able to continue without people saying "That bitch killed her own nephew!".

I can't seem to get that damn vampire novel out of my head. It's threatening to pull a Ringo on me and hijack me to places I'm afraid to go. I like the novel, don't get me wrong. I'm even going to write it. But damn it Ganesh, not right now!  Knight Stigmata (or whatever the hell I end up calling it) will be written, I promise. Quit beating me over the head with it.

Yeah, okay, fine... back to work I go.


stigmata kinght, corruptor, writing

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