While spending the past few days collecting items for my racing journal
danti_boediono I realized something.
The articles, the writings, the musings, the reflections, have a slight but consistent negative undertones. Most of them talk about struggle, fight, how I feel like there's so many obstacles that I have to overcome, even the lack of support/funding or whatever you wanna call it.
Even in the pictures I wasn't looking too happy.
Maybe that's why I haven't been having that much success. I kept talking about how hard I have to fight, and the fight seemed to grow harder and harder. I kept talking about obstacles, and more and more seemed to be thrown my way. I kept talking about not having enough support, and less and less support I receive. I kept talking about lack of money, and I ended up constantly feeling like I never have enough for racing.
I decided to change that.
With this new journal, I want to switch to a new point of view. I still have to fight, but it won't be a struggle. I will make myself feel that this is not merely a fight, but simply things I love doing. It's in my blood, although I discovered it quite late, and I feel at home behind the wheels of a kart going 50mph. I don't fear speed, I crave it. I don't mind having competition, instead it makes me want to chase and be ahead.
From now on I resolve to enjoy every minute I get to spend on track, be it practicing or racing. I resolve to save up money to fund my own practices and races, and I'm not gonna care whether or not Dad wants to continue funding me or not. I will believe that more support, more money is coming my way. I will keep on dreaming and imagining and visualizing that I am up there, top step of the podium, winning one race then another, and another. I will keep on dreaming and imagining and visualizing that I'm moving up the ranks, moving up classes, going to overseas races. I will keep on dreaming and visualizing that I'm winning races, winning championships.
A quote from The Secret:
When you're thinking or feeling something, you are sending frequencies of those thoughts and feelings to the Universe. Then the Universe reacts according to the signals that you're emitting. When you feel happy, the Universe will bring you happines. When you feel bad, the Universe will bring you bad things. So keep on thinking and feeling happy stuff, and the Universe will bring them to you.
That's what I will do from now on.
I will keep on dreaming, imagining, visualizing. I will keep sending the positive energy to the Universe. And I will keep believing that the Universe will bring positive things to me.
I will keep on dreaming, imagining, visualizing that I'm racing, winning, suceeding. And I will keep believing that the Universe will bring those things to me.
When I write, it will be about the good fight. It will be about the support I receive. It will be about how happy I am to have the chance to do what I love. It will be about how happy I am to have the chance to make my dreams come true. It will be about how happy I am that my dreams ARE coming true. Also, I resolve to smile more in the pictures :)
I don't have to know how. All I have to do is just to believe that it will happen.