apparently i'm an expensive girl - [warning: rants ahead]

Jul 15, 2009 23:35

I'm honestly starting to get tired of hearing "I can't afford it" from dad. First he said he couldn't afford my karting. Okay, fine. I know it's an expensive sport. And now he said he couldn't afford my internet modem - which was my mistake by the way, I guess I'd gone overboard one too many times. (We do have a flatrate cable at home, I just used the modem when my office internet starts to go it's own sucky way, or when i need a quicker connection - i guess i lost control sometimes. Too many times.)

If those are anything to go by, I'm beginning to wonder about my spending habits. I'm not much of a shopper, but I do have several regular, and dare I say it - pricey - expenses. Will I be able to afford myself on my own?

And am I to blame for having fund-thirsty interests? Ballet (the shoes), horse riding, karting...?

I didn't ask to be born with those interests ingrained in me, didn't I?

Sometimes I wish dad just never agree to let me race (and pay for it) in the first place.
Sometimes I wish my parents didn't take me to that mixed-gender, state-highschool to only finally coerce tomboy, boyish me to enroll in an all-girl highschool in the end.
Sometimes I wish I never went to one of those study-abroad expos - only to be then told that they'd prefer me being schooled locally.

Coz sometimes it feels like things are laid out before me but I just can't reach them.

I sound like a downright ungrateful demanding little brat, don't I....


random rant

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