Feb 06, 2008 11:58
* Waking up with a headache is NOT a good way to start your day. I'm starting to wonder what is up with my physiology lately. It takes me longer to recover from the usual post-karting muscle-aches, usually lasting for only 2 - 3 days - but it's Wednesday now and it's still bugging me. I've been consistenly waking up with a headache almost every morning for the past few months. Not good. Maybe I should get it checked or something.
* Old client is really being an old nag. It's handover month, for fuck's sake. Let us just finish up what we're doing and get on with it. But no, he'd still request meetings to discuss minute agendas from some other made up part from his partially functioning mind, not even considering the fact that his building's parking structure is still closed from the 4th floor up, after a car-freefall incident from the 8th floor a few weeks ago. Where the hell are we supposed to park our car? Sheesh.
* Prospective client(s) are being... not so prospective. I don't know where the missing link is. Somebody took the brief, then briefed us, and then we prepared the whole shebang of programs and offers and whatnot, and it ended up being not what they asked. WTF? Next time we won't taking any verbal brief. Written please. Preferably in their letterhead/powerpoint template, locked in PDF so that we know nobody tampered with it. I'm getting sick and tired of racking my brain to come up with something and then having it thrown back in my face, deemed not meeting requirement.
* Where are my chassis spare parts? I'm also getting tired of having to make do with second-hand tierods from another chassis brand, a slightly bent rear axle that although invisible to the naked eye, seems to be having significant effect when another minute changes in the tyre pressure is made. (And I'm getting tired of Firman insisting on a 0.5 bar pressure when I KNOW that 0.6 bar or 0.7 works better.) I'm also anxiously waiting for the brake pads. Firman might have done a great job fabricating an 'emergency' one, but last Sunday I think they're also nearing the end of their life...
Man, I've got the whole paddock to fight already.. I don't want to have to fight my kart too while I'm at it.
* On a lighter note, Account Director is giving us a 'practice pitch', dividing us into two groups, with me and Endri the Seniors as team leaders, taking in the rest of the gang with us. The fictitious client:... Haagen Dazs. Yum.
It's actually quite fun to try and put myself in Linda's position, having to come up with concepts, ideas, the mechanisms, all from scratch, and then trying to compose a comprehensive pitch. Plus I'm taking Agoez with me, and he had ideas that I never would have come up with. He's a good bouncing wall. The downside is, being a Jr. AE he hasn't been exposed to the pitching side of the job, and he's kind of blank at it. So I'm picking up that slack, giving him the 'easier' parts to compose. I hope it's coming along well.
* I think I need some MCR icons. And I wanna date Gerard.