right now i feel kind of empty and like i want to cry but i just dont have enough energy or a reason..i dont even know why. why do i feel so retarded?
fuck i hate it. why the fuck does my body choose for me to feel an emotion i dont want to feel
maybe its because of my retarded life:
so first of all i am exhuasted because finals start on tuesday adn pretty much everyday except monday last week were completely dedicated to either homework or community service which for some reason takes a lot out of me everytime i go
so ive been doing lots of homework adn have had minimal sleep but my mom let me sleep in a little on thursday which was happy except for ap bio like hated me for not being able to take my test...so ill tell my weekend because writting doesnt really need any emotion and i like to remember my life..so friday i had to take my ap bio test at lunch which really sucked because there were like a billion people in the room and they were so loud and and i was so sleepy but i had just got a ten on my essay which was totally happy... ashley told me we were getting brownies, which was exciting, spanish class was interesting me and tara went to the office and got huge stacks of paper and by the time we showed up taylor skeels had returned adn had porn on his ipod which he said ian put on there as a joke but we later found out that it was his porn that he must of put there (we found out through a series of text messages at mimis cafe) i didnt go to taco bell with danny so i went to math like a good kid and was glad because i found out i got an a on the last test adn my teacher was proud of me. so after school i took my backpack over to the car adn called chelsea adn they said they were in ms clarkes so i figured theyd only be there a little while so i walked toward taras van with marco we stood on the corner for a while adn discussed important life issues such as stealing from big corporations and what is ok to steal. then he had to go lead his cult so i stood with jade and langosta until moon came..i was cold so i ventured to ms clarkes room to find everyone..it wsa a cold and long journey..i finally made it and found a room of laughing people eating candy with ms clarke.. somehow ms clarke has black mailed me into giving her info about mr harrison and i felt like her bitch because i told her info...oh well so we all went and feasted at mimis but my stomach felt weird and i was totally going insane from sleepiness...so outside i made farty noises and surfed usa on some broken table..we went to target and i had a butt explosion and i never made it to the
under wear section..then we went to marshalls and tried on funny clothes but murphy put this one shirt on that made me cry a little...so we wore big fuzzy jackets...we went to old navey and saw goo which made me happy..*i think my cold is going away* hmmmm then we had a crazy journ across the parking lot to the van and i went home and watched a super sexual episode of nip tuck..i feel asleep then i woke up at like 7 but went back to sleep untill 8 and had a dream where everyone thought me and ashley were retarded so they put helmets on us and put us on the short bus..so me and chelsea went to the food bank but it was ultimate retarded and the people failed at our excellent system so we left early..we got hot chocolate at
home depot and curly fries at jack in the box and chelsea got some fudge... later i went to kmart and michaels with ricky and murphy it was awesome..we took flower pictures and froliced with crafty objects adn i bought pop rocks with out the foot lollipop..so then we went to kmart which was full of kmart shoppers and potential
mother of pearl winners we bought some fatty food adn went in the back room and feasted while sitting on the
wicker furniture..ricky was like on crack and found the weirdest stuff in that room. i feel in love with a dinosaur that i named big k so me and murphy stole it... EP-PIF-FANNY is gone..we had to wair forever in the cold to finally go home..so later my mom dropped me off at ashleys but it was like ultimate retarded because they were smoking outside and she calls me and tells me i cant let my mom see outside which sucked because she was like looking around the house and i kind of rushed her out which is like hella suspicious...so once she was gone i went outside adn smoked a little with ashley jenny and her brother(erin adn ashleys cousin christina were there but were not partaking) so later once joanna came and after we had figured out that we wanted to watch
the little mermaid(it took us like and hour to pick the movie) we had totally watched the little mermaid and started charlie and the
chocolate factory and i had just had my brownie MY MOM totally walked in with emma nad we are just sitting there on the couch and i was stoned out of my mind and my mom just kind of stood there forever and didnt really say much it was so challenged thats what i think is kind of bothering me. what if my mom know? will she try and talk to me about drugs? what will i say? i super stressed about that right now..so i was just tripping out adn i dont really remember a lot from that night except that jenny had some guy named nate come over and he kept glancing at me and smiled at me like a million times and i was creeped out...so this morning me joanna and tessa watched bewitched which i never finished and am a little mad about and ate doughnuts...then i came home and read a magazine and talked to murphy on the phone and we decided we wanted to go to mcdonalds so we walked down there later and had brightly colored umbrellas. so the new mc donalds is extremely fancy and we love it and it has these crazy wonderful
computer game things that i love..so we walked back adn ricky saw us and our umbrellas and we had a crazy photo shoot ..now im just feeling retarded maybe i feel guilty ...and im reading ..i think that weed has not made me feel good this weekend which goes to show you, when your high you might feel better but when your not you feel like crap again
goodbye, good night, good morning, good afternoon, good whatever