He Waits Dreaming Application

Jun 20, 2012 02:33

✢ The Player

Player Name: Eris
Age: 29
LJ: SyrensSong
AIM / MSN / Y!M: [AIM] ThriceWiddershin
E-mail: ThriceWiddershins@gmail.com
Other Characters: none

✢ The Character

Character Name: Zoey Irulan Westen
Fandom: Original Character
Canon Point: N/A
Age: 23
Appearance: Zoey is pale, with black hair and blue eyes. Slim, though muscular, build and around 5’4 in height. She gets her eyes from her father, and her colouring and height from her mother. Her usual clothing of choice involves a shirt/tank top/tunic, jeans/shorts/leggings, boots/flats and a leather jacket if the weather calls for it, but she loves wearing skirts and dresses, too. She owns a wide variety of fedoras (there’s a wide brimmed, 1940’s style one that’s her favourite). She enjoys bright colours, but in moderation, so there will usually be one brightly coloured piece of clothing in whatever she’s wearing; at the very least a scarf. If it’s nice enough out… she runs around barefoot; a holdover from gymnastics. Shoes are a pain in the ass when you’re doing a floor routine or are on the balance beam.

Her face is heart shaped, and there’s a small scar running just through her right eyebrow from what was dubbed the fireworks incident. There’s a faint smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks, but they’re not really visible unless you’re right next to her.

Her straight black hair falls around her shoulder blades and is usually worn down, though she wears it pulled back or braided if she’s doing gymnastics or corde lisse. There are always a handful of hair ties around her wrist, in case she needs one on short notice. She wears glasses sometimes, a pair of cat-eye frames in dark blue. They’re her “librarian glasses”.

She has a tattoo of a flowering vine, starting at her foot/ankle, that winds up her right leg, curves up her hip and onto her back, stopping at the top of her right shoulder. Very similar to this.

She carries herself like the odd combination of gymnast and swordfighter that she is, though she has been known to adopt a more... slouchy, relaxed air. Goes along with the whole ‘underestimating her’ thing.

Since her father’s disappearance she’s taken to carrying her throwing daggers a lot of the time. They were a gift from him... and she carries them to feel close to him. To ensure she remembers what she’s searching for. An acquaintance made her a whole series of sheathes and various other weapons paraphernalia.

Abilities / Powers: Zoey was her father’s little girl. He taught her how to play pool, and sword-fighting (when she proceeded past his ability he found her an instructor wherever they were living). When she wanted to learn gymnastics he, of course, agreed. She LOVED gymnastics, and kept up with when she could, even learning corde lisse and aerial silks. She used her gymnastics skills to get to out of the way places, or a good place to sit (the higher up the better). While she was abroad, she found a place to teach her corde lisse/aerial silks more in-depth. It turned out she had a knack for it.

She is skilled with dual long daggers, rapier, long swords and gladius, as well as the quarterstaff. Her favourite non-physical hobby (besides reading, of course) is photography. She loves taking photographs of places; especially old buildings. She kind of collects cameras as much as she collects swords.

She has an ear for accents and enjoys occasionally dropping into something different. During college she'd pick a class and use a different accent in that class. Fooled the professors, and amused the few students who had other classes with her. Interestingly, this often happens when Zoey is drinking (and sometimes when she's tired). When she drinks she tends to get a little... British. Both vocabulary and accent.

She doesn't consider herself a polyglot (though she is, since the definition is being able to speak or write multiple languages), but she does know a few different languages rather fluently. Russian, French, Greek, and Czech to be exact. She knows a decent amount of Latin, and curses in pretty much every language that she could learn.

Zoey learned to tango and waltz when she made the acquaintance of an instructor while in Spain. He was close to being someone she considered a friend. She would deny this, of course, instead deeming him a 'close acquaintance'.

Something ELSE her father taught her was how to throw knives/daggers. And when she was young he would take her to fairs and reenactments (and the occasional bar) and essentially make the claim that his daughter was more of a man than the big burly guys doing the knife throwing. Obviously they didn't exactly believe that was in any way possible. So then wee!Zoey would show her skill. They bought many a fancy dinner that way.

Zoey is also a seer. Dreams and portents, etc. Nothing particularly powerful (or so she thinks, anyway; there’s always the potential for more, isn’t there?), usually manifesting itself in dreams or a prickling at the back of her neck, on her skin. Sometimes she gets an idea about something and it occurs, or words pop into her head and someone around her utters them mere moments later. Sometimes she just KNOWS. Someone will spill a drink, or trip on some stairs, and the like. The dreams are usually cryptic, fragmented, and sometimes hard to remember upon awakening beyond the vague feeling that SOMEthing is going to happen, and whether it’s good or bad (the details would reveal themselves in time; usually in déjà vu or the like). When she does remember the details upon waking, it’s hard for her to piece together what they mean.

In part because of her gift of foresight, she is something of a sensitive when it comes to things the naked eye can’t see. She’s very aware of her own mind, having essentially trained herself to be once her gift manifested and she figured out what it was. She’s not telepathic or anything even remotely close to it, but she is aware when other people try to muck around with her head.


~ A set of throwing knives and their sheaths (hidden on her person 99.9% of the time)
~ a pair of long daggers and their sheaths (as well as a pair of knee high boots designed specifically for her to be able to carry the daggers with her)
~ a gladius-style sword, with scabbard (a gift from her father on her 16th birthday)

~ iPod and headphones
~ several hard to find manuscripts on mythology; specifically seers
~ two pairs of glasses (her usual pair of “librarian glasses” and a spare)
~ small moleskine journals filled with details of her visions and dreams
~ pens/pencils and empty moleskine journals for future visions and dreams
~ her wallet, containing her ID, and a decent chunk of change (having pulled out a sizable amount of money at the beginning of her travels)

~ toiletries (deodorant, soap/shampoo/conditioner, perfume (a lilac/berry scent), hair brush, toothpaste/brush, hair ties)
~ spare clothing (a pair of jeans, several extra pairs of underwear, a couple bras, socks, and a couple extra shirts)

Clothing (on her person):
~ dark red leather trench coat
~ black leather fingerless gloves
~ peacock-patterned tunic
~ black bra
~ leather pants
~ sturdy knee high leather boots, with a low heel and combat boot sole (custom made with a long dagger sheath in each boot)

Personality: Zoey is fairly sarcastic at times, especially if she doesn’t know someone. She can be fairly friendly, but is very cautious about letting people get close as a result of moving around so much after her mother died (for her father’s new job). What was the point of making friends if only to move away a few months later? So Zoey instead gained acquaintances wherever she went. People who she got along with well enough to not mind spending some time with them, but never really truly got to know them, or let them get to know her. She also gained an ability to be all right with being alone. Though she has a deep-seated longing for close friends, she’d never admit it. A bit guarded is a good way to describe her.

Zoey is an extremely intelligent young woman, though she doesn’t mind pretending to be less so sometimes, in order to make people underestimate her. She doesn’t generally care what people think of her, and she’s well aware of the fact that she’s more than a little bit odd at times. Portents of the future tend to do that to a person. She is not all that great at math. It was one of her worst subjects in school, and she had to work her ass off to get any sort of decent passing grade.

Zoey loves the rain. When she was a child she’d go outside and play whenever there was a downpour. Afterwards she would go inside and her father would fix her a cup of hot chocolate. Then they’d sit down and read. When she was small he’d read to her. But not the typical fare one would usually read to a child. He read her Dune (so she could know where he’d taken her middle name from), Dracula, and Shakespeare’s plays. And as a result she was usually completely at a loss as to why other children didn’t know what the Fremen were, who Van Helsing was, or weren’t familiar with Mercutio’s Queen Mab speech from Romeo and Juliet. This tradition also led to her becoming an avid reader as she grew up. She also devoured every mythology she could get her hands on; the mythology books took up a lot of room on her bookcase.

Zoey has an irrational fear of elevators. Something about it being a small enclosed space that moves freaks her out. Oddly enough, enclosed spaces that don’t move don’t bother her at all. Less irrational is her dislike of hospitals. Not quite a fear, just an intense dislike. It'll be a pain in the ass to get her to go to one, should she get injured.

Maybe it's because of how she was raised, or the fact that she's just had to deal with things, but she's generally able to keep a level head when it comes to intense or stressful situations. Take care of things, deal with what's happening now, and deal with the rest later. She might be freaking the fuck out on the inside, but on the outside she's reasonably calm and collected. Granted, she tends to get a little mouthy when under pressure. Sarcasm and snark are weapons she uses a lot.

Being able to compartmentalize things has come as a direct result of her gift of foresight. She's trained herself to put whatever it is she has to in a box at the back of her mind so she can deal with reaction, fall apart a little, or anything else, after the immediate crisis is done, once she's alone.

As a result of moving around so much and spending so much time on her own, she's an incredibly independent person. And pretty damn stubborn to boot; it helps with the remaining calm and collected in tough situations.

Her biggest hopes are as follows: One, to find out where her father is. Two, to discover more about her gift of foresight. As for fears, beyond the irrational one of elevators that she has, her greatest ones are that she'll never know what happened to her father; that she'll forever be searching for clues as to what happened to him. And there's always the fear that, should anyone find out about her gift, that they'll think she's crazy. She knows she's not, but the look on people's faces after they know what she can do still affects her (she told, ONCE, after it first manifested... and has never told again). Rejection, that's the big one. Fear of rejection, because of her gift, what she can do.

History: Zoey’s mother Cassandra Westen died when she was 10, and afterwards her father took a job that involved them having to move regularly. Tom Westen didn’t need to work, as his wife had left her family very well off, but he wanted to do more than just live off his deceased wife’s money. Zoey went to a lot of different schools, and rapidly grew accustomed to it; she kept to herself a lot of the time. There were maybe two or three people that she became close enough to that she actually kept in touch.

Shortly after her father found a job that let him put down roots in North Carolina (he opened a book shop), Zoey left for college and majored in ancient/medieval history (Europe) and minored in archaeology and mythology. She had found herself with a great interest in mythology, ever since she was a child; especially the myths of seers.

Part of the reason was, you see, that she had some talent with the ability of foresight herself. Usually manifesting itself in dreams or a prickling at the back of her neck, on her skin. Sometimes she gets an idea about something and it occurs, or words pop into her head and someone around her utters them mere moments later.

She hasn’t tried anything else like throwing runes, or reading tea leaves or anything, but there are books in her satchel on the subject. She’s wary to mess with things she doesn’t understand. She can’t exactly help the dreams business.

Her father vanished while she was on her graduation present, a trip abroad. Even across the ocean... she managed to SEE it. Zoey woke up from a horrific dream, screaming and crying. All she could remember was danger and darkness. When she returned to North Carolina... he was gone, no sign of where he had gone to, if he had been taken, if something had happened to make him leave. So she gathered anything that might be a clue, or hint, packed up the rest of her stuff, and took off trying to find him. Something started pulling at her, drawing her to it... But on her way, something (she couldn’t tell what) large and shadowy darted out into the road. She instinctively swerved to avoid it, and ended up off the road slamming into a tree. When she came to… she wasn’t anywhere resembling her car, or the road where she'd had her accident.

First Person Sample:
[Hey look, a new arrival on the screen. She looks a little banged up; there's a bruise on her cheek and a cut above her eyebrow] I’m not entirely certain how I ended up here. The last thing I remember was getting in a car accident.

[She laughs wryly] Would have thought that I would have seen that coming. Apparently here is a little city in New England by the name of Arkham. Or so I’ve been told. That’s about ALL I’ve been told. It’s a bit frustrating, really.

[She frowns a little] Maybe someone ELSE will know a little bit more. And maybe they’ll actually be willing to share.

[This next bit is quiet, almost more to herself than to anyone that might be watching/listening] Is this what was pulling at me? [It clicks off]

Third Person Sample:
Zoey scrubbed a hand through her hair, sighing tiredly. She’d been driving for days since her last real stop. She’d paused every so often to get gas, use the restroom or grab a quick bite to eat. But only just long enough to do what she needed to. Not a moment longer. After that she was back on the road. It wasn’t that she COULDN’T stop. She simply… didn’t want to. She was close, she could FEEL it. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was that was drawing her in the direction she was going... but she hoped that it was something that could lead her to her father. She needed to find something. Something concrete, beyond the metaphysical tugging at her being. He was out there somewhere. He had to be. He wouldn’t just LEAVE. Not without packing something, and not without telling her.

There were times Zoey wished she was able to force visions when she needed them. But as much control as she had managed over her particular gift… she wasn’t sure that forcing the visions was even a possibility. Since the initial dream that had woken her, screaming and crying tears of blood, they had been frustratingly silent on the subject of her father.

“Fuck...” she muttered, thoroughly irritated with herself. This probably has nothing to do with him. This is a wild goose chase straight into the jaws of trouble. But she’d never exactly shied from trouble before, had she... so why should she start now? There had to be a reason why she was being drawn. She knew it. Felt it in her bones. The only way to find out what that was… was to go and find out for herself.

And that was when something large and shadowy lurched across the road. Reacting instinctively, Zoey swerved right, trying to avoid slamming into… whatever that was. She succeeded, only to feel the wheels lose traction and what control she had over the black Mustang fade. The last thing she saw was what was probably a tree.

Then everything went dark.

Other: Nothing’s really coming to mind at the moment; I think the app covered all the major bits.

app, he waits dreaming

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