Styling Advice? I'm giving it on Facebook now apparently.

Dec 11, 2011 08:59


I just shared this video on Facebook:

image Click to view

And there's already some internal eye-rolling going on at myself for posting some rambles alongside but my intentions are pure.

Here's wot I sed:

Hai gurlfriends! Just thought I'd share this since I watch millions of these videos and this one is especially interesting and helpful. So I feel compelled to ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

anie_chan December 11 2011, 09:07:59 UTC
Hey, can I add you on facebook? You seem like a very sweet person to know at least by internet. *blushes*


cordeliasmarz December 11 2011, 11:25:48 UTC
Aww yay! *blushy mcblusherson*
Yes! I hardly talk to you at all on here and you too seem to be adorable and interesting! Well you didn't say that but you seem sweet as you said I was and then those things too!
I'm still rubbish at replying on any internet site but hopefully I'll see more of you and it'll be real swell :)
So I'll look out for someone called Anna adding me - add away!

(I reply to everyone in 10 times the amount they write to me on Facebook too so look out for that...!)


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