Introducing to MAH BLAWG, Jenna Anne, AKA "the lesbian giving YOU the answers":
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In short (before the very, very - perhaps tediously - long): I LOVE THIS GIRL.
Not in a sexual way..
Something I feel I DO need to clarify considering the content of her videos, title of her channel... and the fact I feel like I do in fact maybe perhaps come across as a lady-lover generally.
Even my GIRLFRIEND thinks I'm gay!
No, that was a joke. But I do express my love of ladies (I say other words won't fit but it's just that now it's there nothing else fits... like all other EVIL words... very hard to get rid of... yeah don't quote me on that. Probably not a thing..) a LOT, it's just it's an admiration/aspiration kind of thing and I would definitely openly admit lesbianism were it the case. But it isn't so I thought I'd just make that clear just in case anyone's vaguely interested. I only mention it because I.. I don't know! I just talk about ~
sesualiteh a lot in this (as in LBGT etc. not... you know.... awkward Liz Lemon) so I thought I may as well address it.
So I... had a point?
Oh yes!
The actual reason I'm making this post (I'm not giving one for why this isn't an update on MAH LOIFE - which I'm certain you are all ON THE VERY EDGE OF YOUR PROVERBIAL SEATS (mine's a bed so that's why I specify proverbial... <- that's about as close as you'll get to an actual update in this post.. and it's been my bed pretty consistently since I started on LJ so make of that what you will...) WAITING ON BAITED BREATH TO HEAR THE DEETS ON):
I wanted to respond to the ending thoughts of the "Why is homosexuality a trend?" video and ask all the brilliant minds of my LJ friends what you think too if you would like to respond/mull it over? I love a good ol' LJ debate! Not that I think this one needs much thought or debate or.. mulling really... but I just felt like posting today because.. JUST COZ
And I've really wanted to get back into posting since I said I would on.. 13th of March?? I am an EMBARRASSMENT. So since.. *cough* that time, I've made FOUR separate posts that I haven't made public which doesn't seem like much but considering the amount of time I spend on these things and the amount of.. you know, length that is involved.. and.. rambling? Yeah. It's a lot. But I haven't finished any of them so they're still works in process that are way past irrelevant but I don't have the heart to delete them considering the hours I spent on them...
"I think that generally we have to be more careful about what we title ourselves as, and what we claim ourselves as, and we need to understand honestly the seriousness of sexuality and different kinds of sexuality."
My initial reaction before I caught the "generally" and really thought about everything she was saying (but I'm still keeping it since I make the first part of my point):
Is it serious though? Is it a serious concern? The defining part I mean.
I feel there are stupid people and stupid acts and sexual "preference" is kind of irrelevant. If you're going to be a dick and mess someone around, pretending to like someone you don't then you're a dick and just using sexuality or whatever as a sort of... vehicle for that dickishness.
You just shouldn't be a dick.
Some people are legitimately "confused" and some people are just playing up to that to impress people/be "different" and that second one IS annoying, but the point I'm trying to make is, SOME PEOPLE ARE STUPID. FACT. And this is just ONE WAY of being stupid. It's a trend of stupidity and sure it needs to stop but there are equally other areas people are abusing and it still doesn't mean everyone has to define or label themselves as a priority just because of a few people who abuse society's current perceptions of bisexuality.
Now onto my a) realisation that Jenna said "generally" and b) understanding of what she meant by "seriousness" upon re-watch and re-flection:
I see that it actually is a serious issue for some people, not being taken seriously because of all this happening. And "generally" people DO need to be made more aware, despite the fact it is just more people being stupid, another way of being stupid. But you do have to start these things, try to teach people it's wrong, put an end to these ignorances.
I was focussing on the sort of.. liquidity of sexuality for some people ("hearts not parts" so to speak!), how some people don't want or need to "define" themselves - life and experience are liquid and ever-changing after all so why define things that serve seemingly such little purpose and often just cause more confusion?
But then I realise that this "seriousness" and the consequences of the "stupid" people fooling around and making a joke of homosexuality, bisexuality etc... this is important too. It's okay to "experiment" and "find yourself' etc. etc. but when it gets in the way of people's understandings and creates/reinforces prejudices.... herein lies the problem.
And it actually recently annoyed me in the TV show 'Glee' when Kurt said that bisexuality doesn't exist or something (I just found
this rather brilliantly apt and helpful post when trying to find the full quote and I very much recommend reading if you're interested. Here's a quote from it that really fits in with this entire discussion "It’s true that teens often take sexual identities on and off and explore different aspects of sexuality. But that’s not because any of those stages of their lives are not real. It’s a reflection of personal exploration."). It was a really ignorant thing to say and he never got told otherwise so unless I misunderstood, it was a definite low point in an already painfully bad season (I'm very behind as I'm only on the episode after the one after this - so no spoilers please!). I'm not bisexual and one can only speak for one's own experiences with real confidence (and even then..!) and I can't imagine/understand straight men liking me, a straight girl (don't make me say woman), in "that way" but you accept it and go with it because, well, not many people are attracted to themselves! So you have to just accept that everyone is different, has different preferences.. and if some people say they like one thing (or two people!) and you don't, just accept it! This could just relate to this one issue as there are probably exceptions like murder and stuff (I think I'm definitely the right person to be judging "ignorant" people) but I have already rambled too much so....
Wait, I got a bit sidetracked so I hope I made sense... I'll try to be back again soon as I have lots of posts planned, several discussions.... some involving how Steven Moffat is both making and ruining my life simultaneously (it's mostly good though).... this journal has always been pretty much totally selfish in how much I ramble etc. and it's rarely been about keeping anyone who might be reading happy but I do really appreciate all the wonderful people I've met/talked to/made.. friends?.... with? *hesitancy* (DON'T LEAVE ME HANGIN' BROS THAT WOULD BE MAJOR AWKS) on here so I would really like to get back into the swing of things and see what you've all been up to and... etc. so although this will probably involve boredom and effort and not a lot of happiness initially, please read and do what I say in the next paragraph (WHO STRUCTURES THIS WAY?!?!!):
Even if you haven't read ANY of the above post which is totally understandable considering its length and incohesion (possibly not a word... point proven?)... so even if blah-blah, please could you just write a short (or lengthy - you know I love length- wait, despite its relevancy considering my oft lesbian innuendos and the whole above post... STILL NO) comment saying something about your life, Doctor Who (haven't watched any trailers or anything besides the two aired eps and Confidentials so no spoilers please!)... post me some links (to your own journal posts if you are feeling generous).. gifs.... just anything interesting! Or not! Just something! Because I'd love to hear from you and get some conversations going so I'll actually visit your journals and get on with things instead of stanning over the Moff and re-watching S5&6 Who just to be in awe of his brilliance.. well I'll still do that (and feel free to do so with me) but you know. It's surprising how much I have on my to-do list despite having absolutely no responsibilities or expectations of/on(/it's late) me..... and even more surprising how stressful it still is! But I enjoy this! So give me stuff to get involved in so I don't spend ALL my time doing things that don't necessarily require effort..
I keep rambling to people on Facebook and I don't think they're into it. I NEED AN OUTLETTT
This is meant to illustrate my showing my wares of conversational gold (imagine an unimpressed crowd swiftly dispersing).
Now I thought I'd end with the picture below by Jenna Anne of the Lesbian Answers video at the very beginning of this post. Thought it was cute and it's a really great quote/good point worth remembering as it is sometimes easy to miss the bigger picture when you get into simple things like labels (
and usernames <- not totally relevant but just thought of her and I love this girl too so thought I'd mention her - she makes excellent points and really deserves her own post... must make an entire YouTube recommendations post soon actually...) and let them define a person from one piece of information.
Also, and I promise this will be my last bit of ramble on this post (which you can probably tell from the lack of paragraphs below.... FOOL! <- that was to myself, dear reader. You are the one sans foolishness. I have so much yours is barely noticeable in comparison - if present at all) I just want to say that Jenna Anne reminds me of Emma Stone a LOT. She's really funny and interesting and I'm not in or looking for relationships - lesbian or otherwise - (methinks the lady doth protest too- YEAH NO I love lesbians - just not in ALL the ways some may or may not hypothetically love me back) but her perspective and opinions are informative and potentially helpful.. and entertaining! so... go forth unto the world of.. lesbianism! Godspeed.
(Don't forget to comment with your words of... things!)