What ho!

Sep 29, 2012 23:04

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Comments 20

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cordeliasmarz September 30 2010, 21:38:29 UTC


I mean..

... )


teetersslow September 30 2010, 21:44:03 UTC
QUIT LIVIN' IN THE PAST, CRANE!! UR LIVING IN THE PAST!!!! that 'm' hair style can't save u now!

... )


cordeliasmarz September 30 2010, 21:52:39 UTC

... )


longislands November 15 2010, 19:37:21 UTC
thanks for the add! i saw your aiden post :'(


cordeliasmarz November 15 2010, 22:33:42 UTC
So tragic :'(

But in the mourning has born a no doubt will-be wonderful friendship in the process?
(pretend that sentence made perfect sense.. or at least a little)

Going to miss him so much D':

... )


longislands November 15 2010, 22:37:12 UTC
seriouslyyyyyy so depressing. we need more candids of aiden now, i cannot take the withdrawals (and it's only been a day, so pathetic!)

painfully missing them :'(


cordeliasmarz November 15 2010, 22:47:07 UTC
I can't stand paparazzi though so I'd rather he just did a few interviews then came back with a brillsiant album in a few months :'D
He said he writes his own stuff too - yay!
And he should move in with Matt when The X Factor's over
It just has to happen

... )


girlonfire March 27 2013, 08:27:48 UTC
I know this is random, but I know a few quality people on LJ that I really love, and I stumbled across your journal. I forget how even(!), but you seem friendly and I feel like we could get along well. : )

Though I don't update too often..., I do like popping up on LJ and commenting from time to time... My name's Kate and I'm from Eastern US. I'm a student and have a huge love for all my nerdy shows and music/people obsessions! Ours seem to match up in more ways than I can compare, but I will say that some of my favorite things of all time are Merlin/Doctor Who/Nicole Kidman/David Bowie.

So if you're adding at all, I'd love to be friends!


cordeliasmarz April 1 2013, 04:36:43 UTC
Wow, this is so lovely! I hardly come on LJ at all these days sadly but would love to get back into the habit ( ... )


girlonfire April 1 2013, 09:00:21 UTC
Aww, I am on tumblr! I rarely update that as much anymore (it's pretty much just images because I'm an art major and it's for my aesthetic-loving purposes, but still), my name is une-bombe on it now. I haven't updated my LJ profile in... forever. I changed my name from aviate on a whim, then wanted to change it back, and someone claimed 'aviate' all in about 20 minutes, yet never used it. : ( Hmmph. If that's not an indicator of my Tumblr passion gone sour, I'm not sure what is ( ... )


cordeliasmarz April 1 2013, 23:13:50 UTC
Ooh your Tumblr is pretty! Sucks about the name! I wanted 'cordeliaistheone' (not pompous at all) for LJ but it was too many letters. Not the same as your problem but usernames can be tricky ( ... )


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