May 10, 2004 16:23
I'm very sleepy today. I've done a pretty good job of getting sleep the last week or so (oh who am I kidding - I'm rarely short of sleep, I love sleeping), I think it's just that it's been such an emotional week that, now that things have died down, it's all hitting me.
Friday C and I went for manicure/pedicure - she had declared the pedicure the start of her "end wedding planning, start wedding enjoyment" time which made me happy since I was concerned that she was so obsessed with details she'd never end up enjoying it. Rehearsal Friday night, then dinner. A got to the church after I did, came in and sat next to me, put her head on my shoulder and just started crying, just from the exhaustion and stress of the week. Now that J's out of the woods, in terms of how critical it is, I think they're now transitioning to being in this for the long-haul in terms of physio and just recovery - can't even imagine being in her shoes. It was a fun evening though and was home early enough to get to bed at a decent hour.
Saturday morning, up for hair! Didn't turn out quite how I wanted but still was okay I guess. Pictures at bride's parents' and then to the church! Okay, I'm not a big limo person - don't have anything against them, but don't really need them. But Saturday, we climb into this Excursion limo and it's all pimped out like a disco and the driver's playing "What a Girl Wants" followed by "Going to the Chapel" and similar music and I admit, it was really cool. :)
The wedding was beautiful. C was the epitome of a radiant bride - you couldn't wipe the grin off her face if you tried. When they were sitting up at the front, M sat there holding her hand and they'd just look at each other grinning in a big silly way and the love in the air was palpable.
The reception was wonderful. The hall was stunning - walked in and literally went "wow". Everyone had a great time, food was yummilicious, decorations were beautiful. The thing is, it made me realize just how much of a waste of money weddings can be. One of the BMs kept saying how a lot of it was what she wanted but her husband wouldn't let her have. But you know, her wedding was just as wonderful. It was just as fun, and just as full of happiness and good times and love and just as wonderful. Important lesson learned for me, I think.
I've never seen C look so happy or so beautiful. (Sorry funny that right now the song on the Dido CD is All you Want "All you want is right here in this room. All you need is sitting here in this room." Rather fitting) And now C and M are married. That's the problem with weddings - they lead to marriages. Sometimes I think people forget that. I made the comment to C "now you're going to be married" and she said "first I get to go on vacation". I don't mean this to sound like she isn't ready because she is - and I truly believe she and M will work through anything life throws at them, but if it were I, I'd be a little more freaked out about the "till death do us part" that comes after the honeymoon than the order of the placecards - of course, maybe that's why I'm not the one getting married. ;)
I talked to our priest at the reception. This year they're shuffling all the priests around (as they do on a regular basis). Normally this would hardly be a blip on the radar screen of my life but Fr. P is going to our old parish in my hometown (where my mom was also raised) , and the priest we're getting was my Grandma's priest after she moved out of my hometown. I know it's all just a random coincidence, and yet, for some reason, I feel like, with all the priests and all the parishes they could go to, it's just a little strange that this particular transition is so interconnected with my mom's family. It's probably nothing - we probably just know way too many priests :p - but for some reason it feels like more. Which got me thinking about the time I was golfing at Rochester last year and on the one whole this wind swept through and I looked at the pine trees all around us and suddenly felt like I was back in my hometown and 7 again. It was really strange - one of those moments where, if it had been in a movie, the director would've had the scenery twirling around me really fast as I stood still until I went back in time to some other age. I got chills and felt sorta weird and just really connected to my hometown and childhood. These are only two random cases - and intellectually I know that - and yet I've been having more of these "otherworldly" feelings over the last couple years. I used to think people into spirits and ESP and psychics and all that stuff were nutcases - like, that stuff's fun but hardly real (though I've always had a pretty strong sixth sense - but I think that's more just being observant and attuned to your surroundings)- and now I start to feel these things more, and have more accurate and bizarre premonitions - and now this whole feeling that I just can't shake that my grandmother is somehow involved in this random priest shuffle. The fact that I'm not completely joking (about the grandmother thing) when I say that makes me think I'm crazy. The fact that I'm starting to even think about this stuff makes me think I'm crazy. What I need is a good, solid dose of science in my life.
I should really proofread this to make sure it flows okay, or at least that I used semi-real sentences, but I don't really want to.
I also think I need to change my journal background. Try another one or something. I like this one but I'm not sure it's working for me.
going to the cottage for pizza tonight! yay!!! wonder if the water is calm enough for a boat ride!
Why can't we pick two moods? Who is ever just ONE mood?