The Books I Read in 2009

Jan 09, 2010 17:07

As a kid I was a voracious read. My mom would make my brother and I borrow books in multiples of 6 during our weekly library trips so it’d be easier to know how many we needed to return.

However, my decision to pursue my love of literature by getting my undergrad degree in English Literature almost ruined my love of reading. During my degree I learned how to read slooooowly and carefully which if I had been actually able to read for pleasure would have made it a labourous experience.

The only pleasure reading I could do during this time (besides Harry Potter and Bridget Jones’ Diary) was fanfic. Which is awesome! BUT, I really have missed my books.

What’s been great is that since I graduated in 2005 I have slowly become a reader again. I’ve discovered that carrying a book and reading it while on the subway, waiting for appointments and in lines is the perfect way of getting me reading again in a way that works for my current shorter attention span.

So I am proud to say that I read 13 books in 2009! Sure it’s not a lot for other people, but for me it’s a big deal!

Barack Obama - Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
I read this after The Audacity of Hope and while I enjoyed them both (and they each have their own focuses), I think I enjoyed this more personal examination into his life. It was a really neat way to get insights into Obama and he’s a good storyteller.

Malcolm Gladwell - Outliers: Stories of Success
I find Gladwell such an engaging writer who tells excellent stories. I’ve read Blink and The Tipping Point and found this to be equally enjoyable if possibly shorter. I think he’s particularly good at using examples that stick with you. I love that there’s a Canadian hockey player discussion! And I left the book convinced that I’m not successful in some particular traditional idea of success because I’m too lazy to put enough work in - and I’m okay with that.

Barbara Ehrenreich - Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
Not exactly an uplifting book, but definitely interesting. I wish that more people who think that poor people just need to work harder would read this book. I think this first person account of stepping into a different world would help those with more socially conservative leanings reconsider their perspectives - or I hope it would! This is perhaps not the best book to read during a recession - it may not leave you feeling better!

Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I was deeply disappointed in this. I wanted to like it but felt Grahame-Smith couldn’t match Austen’s wit and skill. Basically everything’s that witty in the book is by Austen. I should note my bias in that I’m a huge Austen fan: I’ve read all her books, and some (including P&P) multiple times and have seen multiple movie adaptations. I posted some thoughts about it when I read it here.

Flannery O’Connor - Everything That Rises Must Converge
So after seeing a character whose name I won’t say because it’s spoilery in Lost reading this book, I declared that I wanted to read this. And then a month of so later I was searching for something and discovered that I own this book and then remembered I’d read it for my American Lit class!! But since I remembered nothing about it, I reread it. Definitely a bleak view on life and people. I’m not sure I share it and I definitely couldn’t read something like this all the time but still well done literature.

Maritta M. Wolff - Whistle Stop
This book is out of print (written in 1943) and I read it as a result of a cool school assignment (for my Reader’s Advisory course). We had to find a truly forgotten author, read one of their books and write a paper convincing readers why they should check out this author. I found this book in the collection of books I inherited from my grandma. I was surprised by the grittiness and honesty about the realities of life in this novel which touched on subject matter like adultery, children born out of marriage, crime, depression and even incest! Although a long book, I really enjoyed this and would recommend checking out any of these author’s books you can get your hands on.

Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer - Agnes and the Hitman
This was my fun vacation book I read while in Italy - and man, is this fun! If you’re looking for a witty, fun and sexy romance/adventure this is a perfect choice. I really love the Agnes and her love of cooking - with lots of butter! - and the male romantic lead, Shane, is sexy and tough, but not some idealized romantic hero. My friend who recommended this says that Jennifer Crusie’s other books are also great, so I’ll likely check them out.

Diane Setterfield - The Thirteen Tale
This is the ideal book for book-lovers, especially those of us who’ve read and enjoyed Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Sense and Sensibility and The Woman in White. It has that gothic old-fashioned feel to it, yet is less about romance and more the mystery of the fictional famous British author, Vida Winter, as investigated by Margaret, the quiet book-lover chosen by Vida to write her biography. I love that this book is primarily about the women in it and their lives and less about romantic relationships. Extremely well-written and engaging, I’d highly recommend this. I believe this is Setterfield’s debut novel - I will definitely be getting her next book!

Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White
This was the only book referenced in The Thirteenth Tale I hadn’t read (although I have read and enjoyed Collins’ The Moonstone) so I felt I must read this! While I do love Victorian literature, I’m not a huge fan of how loooong it is (after my degree I have length issues) and wish these books had not been written in a “pay by the word” time. That being said, I still found the mystery captivating and some of the characters, like Count Fosco, are really interesting. It’s also neat to get various characters’ perspectives on events as the mystery unfolds. I find Walter Hartright a bit annoying, as I do a number of male protagonists in books of that time, and often wanted to slap him, but that didn’t impede my enjoyment too much. The awesomely tough and capable Marion Halcombe more than makes up for him.

Max Brooks - World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
I absolutely loved this book! It probably won’t help my propensity for zombie apocalypse dreams but I don’t care because this is such an enjoyable book. What struck me the most about this is how believably events play out, particularly how different countries react. It was clear that the author had a sense of the politics and histories of various regions in the world and depicted their reactions to zombies accordingly. There’s some really haunting and disturbing things in the book but also some really hopeful things as well. I enjoyed that it’s structured as an oral history so we get multiple people’s stories and that it’s from people all around the world. A fast and very pleasurable read.

Sarah Vowell - Assassination Vacation
I love Sarah Vowell: smart, funny, loves pop culture and makes history engaging and fun. What’s not to love? In Assassination Vacation Vowell drags various family and friends with her as she traces the details of 3 presidential assassinations: Lincoln’s, Cleveland’s and McKinley’s (yes, the president Glee’s high school is named after). It’s also written shortly after 9-11 so connects historical events to the current political state, and there are some creepy parallels between Bush and McKinley. I left this book knowing that I will actually remember much of the history I learned and even more excited to read one of my Christmas books, The Wordy Shipmates. (I’ve previously read and loved The Partly Cloudy Patriot).

Mary Rubio - Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings
This 600+ page biography was a Christmas gift last year (2008) and I have been reading it throughout the year. I am close to finishing it with just 50 pages or so left. I’d recommend this to only the most devoted L.M. Montgomery fans (like myself!) because, for example, I doubt many people would be interested in the details of where and when Montgomery had public speaking engagements. Now, I’ve also read the first 3 of her journal volumes which made the first half or so of the biography rather repetitive, although Rubio does include information not in Montgomery’s journals. She conducted extensive interviews and has done impeccable historical research and uses this to provide some interesting new insights into Montgomery and her life.

What has been the most interesting for me is the latter part of the biography: the later years in Norval and Toronto. Rubio chronicles Montgomery’s strong mentoring role in the Canadian literature community and her triumphing of Canadian fiction, and how Montgomery was gradually maligned by a number of male critics who viewed her literature as children’s lit, not “real” or “modern” enough and therefore beneath notice. I admit to taking delight in how Montgomery is now a lauded and beloved Canadian author, known all over the world, and held up by the majority of current successful Canadian female authors as their role model, and that those men and the male authors they triumphed are now all basically forgotten.

Additionally, Rubio does an excellent job in the Noval and Toronto years of providing illumination into the troubled family life of the MacDonalds (Montgomery’s married name). The discussion about the bromides and barbiturates taken by Maud and her husband, Ewan, provides insights into the troubled mental history of both of them and how these prescribed medications only exacerbated their issues. And we learn just how troublesome Maud’s oldest son, Chester, really was. He married a woman he got pregnant when they young, proceeded to have another child with her but left her living at her father’s while he “worked” on his law degree at UofT (he actually rarely worked, failing multiple classes and was best remembered as a gambler). He also conducted numerous affairs (many of the women did not know he was married) which devastated Maud. And this is only the tip of the iceberg! These details are kept carefully out of Maud’s journals, so the biography has been captivating me with this new information.

An extremely well-researched and detailed biography which provides insights into an often depressed woman who is best known for writing hopeful and happy literature.

L.M. Montgomery and Benjamin Lefebvre - The Blythes are Quoted
This claims to be the “rediscovered last work of L.M. Mongomery”, and while it does have a lot of never before published content, that may be overstating things. Most of the short stories in this book were already published in the short story collection, The Road to Yesterday. There are a couple new short stories but the majority of the new content is a framing devise of the Blythes sharing poetry together and having brief discussions. The book is divided into two parts, a before WWI section and an after WWI section, and the second half is much darker and sad. The poetry in the first part is all by Anne, but in the second it is by Walter Blythe (written before his death) and also much sadder ones by Anne. I have never been a huge fan of L.M. Montgomery’s poetry so although this is decent poetry, I don’t find it transcendent or amazing.

What I find particularly irksome about this book is that in order to make this be part of the Anne series, there is this constant references and quoting of the Blythes, and quite honestly, part way through the book I was like “Omg, shut up about these perfect Blythes!” Most of the stories would be better without any mentions of the Blythes. What I do really like is the stories that employ multiple character perspectives, those allow Montgomery to employ her sarcasm and commentary on people’s foibles. I’m still reading this but the definite story highlight is A Commonplace Woman which delves into some surprisingly dark subject matter. Some Fools and a Saint is also a neat story, a well told mystery that also examines the darker side of human nature.

Whew! I forget that I always have lots to say if it’s related to L.M. Montgomery!!

books: 2009

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