I'm so glad to know we're not the sad people obsessed with demons. (AtS 3:1)

Jun 21, 2005 20:30

How I know that I'm obsessed with television:

1. When watching a new tv show, I recognize at least 2 actors from a previous show I've watched.

2. While watching the same show from #1, I spend half the episode wondering "Where have I seen him before?" about 2 additional actors.

3. I'm excited by who's listed in the writing and executive directing credits.

4. I describe a day as "productively spent watching tv."

5. I've created a list about my tv obsession!

The first 3 points on my list apply to my viewing of the first episode of The Inside.

1. Recognized Adam Baldwin (Jayne on Firefly & Hamilton on Angel) and Katie Finneran (Sharon on Wonderfalls).

2. Jay Harrington in particular had me really wondering where I'd seen him before - he was on Summerland (now that's an embarrassing tv connection!). Peter Coyote was on The 4400.

3. The real reason I watched it was for Tim Minear (I suffered through a few scenes of graphic gore because of him) and wasn't disappointed. I love the style of the show - the scene cuts remind me of the Angel scene cuts (a show he was an executive producer on as well as Wonderfalls and Firefly).

The Inside also has Howard Gordon (who has Buffy & Angel writing credits, and is/was an exec-producer for 24) and one of my favourite tv writers - Jane Espenson (she has Buffy, Angel and Firefly writing and producing credits).

I enjoyed the first episode of The Inside - it had good suspenseful parts, interesting characters and some humourous bits.

Simon turns
Web shoots Simon in the head.
Web:LET HER GO!....Damn, did that backwards.

The best sign is that I'm excited about watching the second episode. My plan is to only watch this show during the day because I get freaked out too easily.

I have no idea if this show will do well - I worry that it's too dark and creepy for summer tv. Maybe the graphic stuff (which I'm trying to ignore) will appeal to people who like CSI and want new episodes.

You'll notice that I used a Angel quote today - partly as a reference to Tim Minear and his Angel connection and partly because it fits nicely with my tv-obsessed theme.

tv meta, tv, btvs, ats

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