I had the misfortune of grabbing a second posting day at
fall_for_sx on American Thanksgiving - the disadvantage of being Canadian and not knowing when American holidays are. *g* So, in case you were enjoying yummy food and family/friend time, and missed the final 2 chapters of my Spike/Xander story, It’s Not, I wanted to post the link to it today.
It’s Not:
Chapter Four and
Chapter Five. The entire story’s just over 7,800 words and all the chapters are
here. It also lives in tags
So finishing my story seemed to have wiped me out this weekend because I didn’t accomplish the fic reading and commenting that I’d planned to do (and will be doing asap). I did, however, accomplish lots of TV watching!! And I even saw a movie (Casino Royale)!
Random TV Stuff (and doesn’t that make you want to ask me to help you with titles?)
Favourite quote, from The Simpsons. Homer to Marge after he’s just ruined all this folk art Marge made and she gets really mad at him: “Well excuse me for having enormous flaws that I don't work on!”
Show that reminded me why it’s good: Battlestar Galactica
Overall I’ve been really enjoying this season. Occasionally I’ve been disappointed that something was dealt with in one episode (eg. biological warfare), but I LOVE Tigh’s story arc and this episode continued to deal with it in a compelling way. I’m realizing I should get a Tigh icon, that’s how much he’s fascinating me this season! Now I want to re-watch the series again. Hopefully I’ll have some time in December (*laughs at my denial about how busy the month will be and how I’m already behind on lots of TV shows*).
Show that feels like its being written for me: It’s like the writers of House knew that I love the House and Wilson friendship in all its slashy glory! Even though my heart was breaking at the end of the last episode, I was relishing the direction the story’s going this year.
And how awesome was this quote by House: “Party of Five. Powerful stuff, the O.C. of its day.”
Also, I’m loving how much tougher Cameron is this season, especially this:
House: If he's not hitting that, then why is she here?
Dr. Cameron: Because I'm hitting that, and it's totally hot.
My rant about VM this season, definitely spoilery for season 3 and possibly slightly bitter
I’m not someone who expects that shows should be the same year after year. I’m someone who loves ALL the seasons of BtVS. I also really loved Veronica Mars season two. Additionally, I don’t expect TV shows to be progressive. This is pop culture, not cutting edge revolutionary theory.
The reason I say all of this is because I’m mad about VM’s third season. There are a number of things that are frustrating me: the general decline in quality and intelligence of storylines and writing, the minimal amount of screen time for characters like Wallace and Mac, how boring much of the Logan/Veronica tension is (and I like them as a pairing), and in general how things don’t seem to be coming together.
I’d probably write my frustration off to it being that difficult season when a show transitions its main character(s) from high school to university - both BtVS and Gilmore Girls struggled in that year - BUT there’s the whole rape storyline. I’m not objecting to them having Veronica investigate a serial rapist, it’s how the story’s being played out.
WTF is up with them having women (“feminists”) on the show fake rapes?! First, it contributes to the already crappy portrayal of feminists on the show - it’s so annoying that the only feminists on VM are the ones who are shown as extremists and involved in faking a rape (possibly more than one). And, to tangent for a sec, it convinces me that the writers have never been involved in feminist organizing, because if they had they’d know there’s often too much processing and consensus building to get to the action. And, um, feminists do NOT go around trying to help perpetuate rape myths (ie. that women lie about rape), they try to stop those myths!!!
Second, I don’t think it’s okay for a network TV show, that’s directed towards young people be suggesting that there’s women who lie about being raped. As I’ve been watching this storyline progress, I’ve tried to have an open mind and see what happens because the show normally has some interesting twists and turns - and it’s likely that the suggestion that the feminists faked multiple rapes (vs that one) is a red herring. But, I’ve realized that the show can’t redeem itself from this storyline, which is why I’m writing my rant today - before the resolution of this storyline tomorrow. IMO, it doesn’t matter if Veronica’s accusations at the end of the last episode turn out to be false because in a time when women still have difficulty being believed when they say they were raped, it’s not okay to be having female characters lie about being raped.
Having Veronica say to the feminists what they’re doing “doesn’t help the cause,” doesn’t make the storyline better. Because, by this point, Veronica Mars isn’t helping the cause.
*sigh* I don’t want to be disappointed in VM, but I am. And, trust me, it takes a lot for me to lose faith in a show.
Well, I think that’s enough ranting about VM for today! I hope that everyone who celebrated had a fabulous Thanksgiving! *hugs*