1. David Boreanaz - Last night when my friends and I were discussing the awesomeness of this week's Bones, I had the following revelation:
I only watch Bones for David Boreanaz. Sure, I like the other characters, but I wouldn't have even tuned in (forensics stuff icks me out, and crime stuff bores me) if it weren't for David Boreanz. I realized this when my friend was commenting on a plot point, and I didn't remember what she was talking about. I could however talk at length about DB dancing, when he was in the hospital etc, but I don't pay attention to the plot ... it's all about David Boreanaz.
The weird thing about this is that I've never been that into DB. Obviously I like him because Angel and Buffy are my favourite shows. And I've always understood other people finding him hot but I never did. It's just that recently I've been drawn in by his hotness.
To not be completely shallow for a second (although I'm not getting all philosophical either), I think that Booth is an ideal role for him because it really allows DB's charisma to shine (thankfully not the type of glowy Charisma-as-Cordy-glow though!). It makes me lament that Nicholas Brendon: a) isn't on tv right now and b) doesn't have a similarly great role. Oooh, I'm suddenly having happy of thoughts of Nick Brendon guest starring on Bones!!! Sadly, these are just my wishes because when I was imdbing Nick Brendon the other day there were no upcoming guest spots for any tv show listed. *pouts*
Bones 'Two Bodies in the Lab' 1:15
The air guitar and dancing sequence was AWESOME!!! DB was perfect in that scene. *melts* Ahem, the scene was well done because it totally lulled the viewer into a relaxed state so that the bomb exploding was completely unexpected. I was also quite startled by the shooting at the beginning of the episode.
Booth in the hospital is so adorable (see icon!). As one of my friends observed, DB does pathetic really well.
I saw a lot of people online declaring they'd buy the DVD of Bones because of the dancing and/or hospital & pudding scene, and my friend wants to buy it because of the rescue scene when he's holding Brennan and she's sobbing. Me? I want to own the DVD for all those scenes!!!
2. Good Bad Movies - On another, but completely different joy-inducing note, the so-bad-it's-good movie Snakes on a Plane now has a trailer
here!!! It starts with Samuel Jackson's character declaring Enough is enough, I’ve had it with these snakes. Oh yeah, and in case the title of the movie isn't clear, it's about snakes on a plane!!! *g*
3. More Linking Fun - SNL is going crazy with those digital shorts (eg. Chronic(what)cles of Narnia), and now has one of
Natalie Portman rapping. It's not as funny as
the Narnia one but it's still very entertaining.
4. Pimping -
lillianmorgan has written an amazing Spike/Buffy fic
Your Face Appears in Mine which is a beautiful and poetic non-linear story.
earth_vexer has a batch of very impressive and wonderful
new icons!! I excitedly grabbed many of them including this one:
which is my new default userpic (I would be using it now but I HAD to use my new Booth & pudding icon by
angdelia). I also recently changed the layout of my journal, which a friend reminded me I haven't mentioned. I'm still working on it, but let me know what you think!