excuse me while I slip on 25 years

Sep 03, 2009 18:17

Someone recently commented that with my engagement and impending house purchase it seems like I'm "on fast-forward to middle age."

This completely suprised me. I never really thought of marriage or home ownership as "middle aged." Maybe less common for younger people but, somehow equating being middle aged (borin?, entrenched? sedentary?) with being in a stable committed relationship and owning a home I can decorate anyway I want, and use the space however I choose. Well, my jaw dropped. It seems obvious, but I hadn't thought of it that way at all. To me these things mean, in many MANY ways more freedom. Having the support, security, safety, and sanity to pursue the things that really inspire me is middle aged?

*shrugs* I guess I've just never cared much for partying and avoiding commitments, which seems the norm for many of my peers.Sometimes I think about moving to another city, or country, but I'm really very happy hear and... it's just a house. Addmittedly a big and serious commitment, but nothing that can't be rented or sold.

What do you think? Am I jumping he gun on fanny packs and disney sweaters?
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