So I gather there was a whole day this week where everyone was invited to post random things to LJ, and I totally missed it. :( I hope to spend some time this weekend catching up on everyone's randomness!
So I'm going to post some random things on this random day, because I have an extra hour in my morning, due to having misread the time on my bedside clock in my sleepy state. I blame the hot weather - it is already 20C, and it's not yet 9:00. Which I realize is not very hot by the standards of most places, but for those of us who live in the northern rainforests, it is weird.
- we might be going to London next month! We are trying to budget the trip, and we are *almost* there. Flights are actually fairly cheap right now, but of course it's high season and we've left it so late that accommodations are really pricey. But I think we might be able to swing it. Now I just have to try and find my passport :( If any of have leads on relatively inexpensive places to stay in London in August, let me know!
- I bought
orange shoes last week. They are super-cute :D Not the sort of thing I usually go for at all, but I love them. And then I bought some brightly-coloured t-shirts to go with them. I don't know. Sometimes you just want something to wear that isn't black or grey, you know?
Fannish things:
-Still v. happy with Orphan Black, though I think the second season wobbled a bit here and there. It's still so much fun, though. Tatiana Maslany deserves all the awards: it's too bad it's a genre show on an obscure network, and she is unlikely to get any.
-Penny Dreadful was also good times: Eva Green is spectacular, and the whole thing has this aura of lush, unwholesome Victorian sensuality. I'm not entirely sure they know where their plot is going, but I don't really care.
- My brain continues to obsess over the Winter Soldier. Fortunately the Internet provides, and is producing fanworks at a prodigious rate, so that's good.
- I read some spoilers about the new season of SPN, and gods help me, I'm a little excited. And I am excited because there's a whole pile of fic and things to read, which I'm saving for a bit. Any recs for recent stuff?