100 Questions with Holly, as stolen borrowed copied "adopted" from
wiccanslyr's LJ.
1) Are your parents married or divorced?
My mom and dad never married each other. They are married to others people.
2) Are you a vegetarian?
3) Do you believe in Heaven?
I believe there is something after this, but that we cannot trulty know what whatever that is until we die.
4) Have you ever come close to dying?
Not that I know of.
5) What jewelery do you wear?
Usually two rings, one on each ring finger: a gold ring with a sapphire (my birthstone) and my high school ring. But recently my ring fingers have become irritated so I haven't been wearing them. Sometimes I wear earrings or bracelets, if I'm dressing up.
6) Favorite time of day?
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
8) Do you wear makeup?
Sometimes, even if its just lipstick
9) Ever had plastic surgery?
Nope. But I wouldn't mind lipsuction / a tummy tuck ('cause I'm too lazy to exercise) and a breast lift.
10) Do you color your hair?
Oh yes.
11) What do you wear to bed?
When it's warm, usually just underwear (tank top optional), when it's cold I wear everything but the kitchen sink but no socks. I hate socks on my feet.
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
I've sped a little, turned without signalling. Drank before I was 21 (and before I was 19 in Canada). Tried a little happy cigarettes. That's it. I'm sooo bad.
13) Can you roll your tongue?
I think I understand what this question is asking, and if it means what I think it does, than yes. I can.
14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
I can't, it makes me sneeze! Seriously, it's so freakin' weird! -- me too, Wiccy! I either get 'em waxed or I have this razor/brush thing. It's coolio.
15) What kind of sneakers?
Converse, and a Payless no-name brand.
16) Do you believe in abortions?
For myself? No, can't/couldn't do it but I will not tell other women what they should do. - ditto, Wiccy
17) What is you natural hair color?
Dirty blonde, bordering on light brown
18) Do you have any children?
Not yet.
19) Do you snore?
Not that I know of.
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
England, Germany, Ireland, Spain ('cause I took Spanish for 8 damn years in school and might as well go to the source of the language).
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Sort of. They're on my bed, 'cause they're cute and I don't wanna leave 'em in the closet: two bunnies (one brown, one white named Lily), a white Xmas teddy bear, a little care bear.
22) If you ever won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off ALL student loans and debts. Mine and others in my family.
23) Gold or silver?
24) Hamburger or hot dog?
Cheeseburger. Yeah, that's right, I gotta be different.
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
strawberries. it's the one thing I don't think i'd ever get bored of.
26) City, beach, or country?
country. City's have noise, beach has the potential for tsunamis and mudslides. What does the country have? Privacy, lots of room, maybe a wolf or bear in your garbage
27) What was the last thing you touched?
The keyboard.
28) Where did you eat last?
here, at home.
29) When's the last time you cried?
I teared up a little over a news story Friday evening.
30) Do you read blogs?
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
How hard can that be? Jeans, a tshirt, sneakers. Whoa. I do that most days as it is. Ooooh I am so bold.
32) Ever been involved with the police?
When I was eight. It was a family thing and it was brief. Long story.
33) What's your favorite shampoo?
Currently SunSilk.
34) Do you talk in your sleep?
I don't think so.
35) Ocean or pool?
Pool because in a pool, you don't have fishies nibbling at your feet or get a mouthful of saltwater. And, again, as mentioned in # 26, no potential of tsunamis.
36) What's your favorite song at the moment?
Dana Fuch's version of the Beatles' "Helter Skelter" from the movie ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
38) Window seat or aisle?
39) Have you ever met any one famous?
Mark-Paul Gosselaar in '93, Brian Austin Green in '94, the drummer fo Semisonic in '05, Yoko Ono walked by me and spoke at my school I was attending college at in Long Island in '05, Howie and Nick from the Backstreet Boys walked by me (a foot away) in '07 after an autograph signing.
40) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
Heh. Not really.
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
I pick it up with my fork and eat it.
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah?
43) Basketball or Football?
44) How long do your showers last?
REALLLLLLLLY long time, till the hot water goes. - ditto, Wiccy
45) Cake or ice cream?
ice cream.
47) Are you self-conscious?
Mostly not but I can get that way in regard to my physical appreance sometime but, I AM a girl so give me a break. - ditto
48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
Nope. Just enough where I got way to dizzy....when I was laying down in bed. I hate that feeling where my world is spinning, when I'm not. It's like...drunken-induced vertigo.
49) Have you ever given money to a tramp?
A bum-tramp or a prostitute tramp? Yes to the former.
50) Have you been in love?
Not sure.
51) Where do you wish you were?
52) Are you wearing socks?
Unfortunately, yes.
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
54) Can you tango?
Maybe if I tried.
55) Last gift you received?
purse and Dollar General necklace from my aunt for my birthday.
56) Last sport you played?
57) Things you spend a lot of money on?
Clothes and other tidbits for my nephew.
58) Where do you live?
Buffalo, NY
59) Where were you born?
Buffalo, NY
60) Last wedding attended?
My friend Mary's back in August.
61) Favorite fast food restaurant?
63) Most hated food?
64) What's your least favorite chore?
mostly all.
65) Can you sing?
Yes and very well.
66) Last person you instant messaged?
RPG pal Ashley
67) Last place you went on holiday?
California, back in September 2006
68) Favorite regular drink?
Dr Pepper.
69) Current crush?
Celebrity - Jim Sturgess / real life - none
70) Name of your best friend?
71) What are you wearing right now?
khaki colored jeans, black blouse, black sweater/jacket thing, white socks, white Joe Boxer underwear, tan bra...was that TMI?
72) When is the last time you had sex?
January -_-
73) Who gave you your first kiss?
OMG, Michael Nunamaker when I was 5. Teehee.
74) Who did you lose your virginity to?
75) What will you name your future children?
Katarina Jean, Carlen Chappell, Aurora Dawn, Paul Edward...etc...
76) Favorite movie?
LABYRINTH, bitches!!!
77) Favorite television show?
Currently? Grey's Anatomy, Pushing Daisies, Dirty Sexy Money, Private Practice, Desparate Housewives, SNL, One Tree Hill (i'm just now gettign into)
78) Celebrity crush?
Already listed in question 69.
79) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
rainbow sherbert, mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookie dough, strawberry, Haagen Daaz (sp?) vanilla.
80) Do you want people to do this meme?
You mean survey? Sure.
81) Do you have your nails done (girls)?
No. They is all bitten down to the pulp currently.
82) If you were on Death Row, what would your last meal consist of?
Anything fattening and bad for you.
83) Do you remember when toilet tissue came in colors?
Yes. I was young, but I do remember it vaguely. And it was just a couple years ago we had a huge stock of toilet paper with Muammar al-Gaddafi's face on it, hehe.
84) Did you have a VCR when you were younger?
85) Did you have a laser disc player when you were younger?
86) Do you remember when MTV played music videos?
Sure do.
87) Who was your favorite band when you were in the 6th grade?
Ace of Base
88) Who is your favorite band now?
Fleetwood Mac and Green Day
89) First concert you ever saw?
Beach Boys. Concord Pavillion. Concord, California. August 2, 1997.
90) Last concert you saw?
Bryan Adams and George Thoroughgood. Eh, it was okay. They were free tickets.
91) Do you ever buy CD's anymore or just download from iTunes?
I still buy CDs when they are special, usually I just DL a song here or there
92) Are you married?
93) Do you want to be married?
94) Are you in a relationship?
Not right now
95) What is his/her name?
96) What is your middle name?
97) What color are your eyes?
98) What is your best feature?
Lips, boobs.
99) How old are you?
100) Do you like memes?
If you mean surveys, yes.