What happens when Bella gets her period?
This has been addressed by Stephenie Meyer. She states that this is "dead blood" and isn't as potent to Edward, though it is a bit uncomfortable for him. He's too much of a gentleman to say anything about it anyway.
Can vampires have babies/what happens when a woman is pregnant and gets changed?
No. A vampire's only bodily fluid is its venom, and it creates spit/eye juice to keep things lubricated and working properly. Also, when a vampire is changed, they stay the same way forever. Frozen. If a woman is pregnant, she will remain pregnant forever. This also explains Alice's hair. It was short from being in an asylum and it was just growing out when she was changed. If you have long hair, and you are changed then you cut that hair, it will not grow back.
The baby discussed above dies inside the woman who is turned, it doesn't stay alive.
Does Bella ingest the vemon when she kisses Edward?
Their kisses are faily chaste. Nothing much. Edward is extremely careful not to cut Bella with his teeth or the venom would get in. "Vampires could bite through steel if they should choose to do so."
Edward and Bella do not open-mouth, or "French" kiss. Just regular lip-to-lip kissing.
Stephenie Meyer also answered this question and clearly stated that The venom has no effect on the human body unless it gets into the bloodstream. She wouldn't feel it if she swallowed some, and it wouldn't effect her digestion, either.
If Bella and Edward were to have sex, would any minor cuts cause the venom to seep in, thus changing her? Do vampires ejaculate?
We do not know the full mechanics of sex, but SM has simply said that everything is more intense as a vampire. This is one of the reasons Edward and Bella will not have sex until later. He is afraid of losing control and crushing her.
Will Bella And Edward have sex?
We are not Stephenie Meyer, therefore we do not know exactly how far they will go, but we can be positive that it will not be too racy. She'll imply that it happened- if it happens.
How do you pronounce their names?
Esme ~ EZ - may/mee (right in the middle of the two sounds); Carlisle ~ car-lyle; Cullen ~ kull-en; Rosalie ~ rose-uh-lee; Quileute-Quil-yute
What are the meanings of the covers?
The Apple Cover (Twilight) : Temptation, the forbidden fruit. The fruit of Good and Evil. She starts Twilight with a quote from the Bible. The Bloody Tulip Cover (New Moon) : It is actually called a crying tulip which is suppose to show Bella's emotions. The Broken Ribbon Cover (Eclipse) : Choosing sides, forced choices, on one thread, breaking,etc.
Also, Stephenie has said herself that the cover of New Moon was not supposed to hold any significance. And, the cover of Eclipse also means that there wasn't a clean break (strands still holding the ribbon together).
What is "Forever Dawn" and how "inappropriate" is it?
Forever Dawn is the early, poorly written sequel to Twilight. It is not the "steamy" version of Breaking Dawn; I dont know how that rumor got started. Forever Dawn is not adult as in "XXX." It is adult as in "not written exclusively for a young adult audience, much like Pride and Prejudice or Gone With the Wind." There is no steam in Forever Dawn.
Also, Stephenie has stated that she uses bits and pieces here and there of Forever Dawn in other novels in this series. Forever Dawn was also given to her sister, Emily, as a present. It will never be published.
What will the film be rated?
She said that when she sold the rights, she did have ONE special provision, and that was a guaranteed PG-13 rating.
Where can I get the Twilight Script?
There is no script out available for the public to read.
How do I get a copy of the script?
You don't. Only the "sides" are available.
Why does everyone call him Cedward?
Cedward is simply a way of accepting the actor Robert as Edward. Since options like Robward and Edbert seemed stupid, we chose Cedward, a conglomeration of the names of Edwards and Cedric, his other most famous role.
Do you guys have any suggestions for Twilight-related music?
Yes, there are threads all over the place, but you can easily find a well-compiled and growing playlist here:
http://www.hisgoldeneyes.com/ Also, Stephenie Meyer has put together three playlists in which correspond with the books they can be found on her website. this is a link to the Twilight Playlist:
http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight_playlist.html Also, Stephenie Meyer listens to various bands while writing, including her favorite band, Muse. Her writing sometimes can reflect the same themes that are in their music, and most Twilight fans like Muse. The chapter of Eclipse entitled Newborn has the song Newborn by Muse on the playlist for that chapter.
What's this "imprinting" people are talking about?
Imprinting comes from a book further on in the series and could be considered a "spoiler" of sorts.