Nov 17, 2007 15:18
Four things about me that you may or may not have known, in no particular order.
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Teacher of 2-year-olds
2. teacher of 3-year-olds
3. teacher of toddlers
4. teacher of 4-year-olds
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. The Harry Potter movies (all of them!)
2. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
3. The Departed
4. The Wedding Date
Four places you have lived:
1. Glendale Heights
2. Glen Ellyn
3. Dekalb
Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Bones
2. House
3. The Office
4. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Four places you have been:
1. Muskegon, MI
2. Disney World
3. Disney Land
4. ummm... Chicago??
People who email me (regularly)
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Sarah
4. Borders!
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Wild Fire's Chopped Salad
2. Cheesecake
3. Mac and Cheese
4. Pancakes
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Disney World
2. Hawaii
3. in my own apartment with Sarah!
4. somewhere warm... cause it's really cold!!!