Jun 09, 2005 17:49
havent updated in a WHILE lol
today was cool... went to school and i went to 1 class lol which was gym, and we just walked around the track heh then i helped TIP w/ move up day with the 5th graders.. hah they were sooo little! :)
then i had a SS final.. which i think i did good on so thats cool. yeappp.. and thennn.. we had the picnic outside which was hella fun.. hopefully i'll get some pics from someone soon.. annnnd THEN WE SAW A HYPNOTIST.. dude that guy was the shit.. it was crazy haha they had people walking like super models & stuff it made me laugh
yeapp okay well hmm thats it// and im going to syms now~
this smmer is gonna be CRAZY insaine
17th- graduation-semi-maybe show at the crossing if i get out early enough
18th- GBG SHOW!! me. kris. bailey. and emily. are hanging out.. doing CRAZY stuff that day and hanging out
19th- fathers day.. going into boston to see some cars or something
20th- shopping, packing like CRAZY
21st-29th- PARIS!!! with my mom and jenny..
30th- prlly the sad
2nd- SAD w/ in the face :)
17th-22nd(or23rd)- SYMS
15th-rest of summer.. band camp
inbetween those im prolly going to the sad&the crossing.. A LOT so yea
call me if u wanna hang sometimes