Es una explosión, lastima a los demás pero se daña a si misma.

Oct 26, 2010 18:30

Today my sister had a fit. She hit me because I couldn't find her shoes... and really, i wasn't in the mood to look for that stupid pair of shoes, i was tired and had just arrived home. But I don't care if she punched me, I told her so, she called me things I had really never expected to be called.. whore, bitch, son of a bitch, i hate you, you're the cause of my stress, i'm gonna beat the crap out of you whore, give me my shoes. ...What's that? We don't live in a fucking drama movie. I looked at her there behind my mother who was desperately trying to keep her away from me, with one hand extended to trying grab.. maybe my hair, maybe my eye, but the gesture was done with such hate that I think she would really beat the crap out of me if she had grabbed me. What did I do to deserve such reaction? I said "no tengo por que escuchar que me insultes porque tomé prestado tus zapatos cuando vos siempre tenes puesta ropa mia sin pedir prestado. Mira, ves? Ahora mismo tenes mi remera puesta y ni me la pediste." How stupid (and true) is that?
I think I'm gonna move out of the bedroom and sleep on that space in the kitchen...

me mood swings shit

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