Apr 30, 2005 21:23
I suck at coming up with titles lol, it means nothing, just random.
Alrighty *grins* And he has got a name *wags* Azreyana ((As - Ray - Yana)), I heard it when I was taking a very relaxing bath lol. Wednesday I can order the parts for him, seeing how work does not stock them within the store. This is the necessary's to getting him road worthy, it will bring his drivability to about 85% of his true self. The cost of the necessaries are as follows:
GCK New Drive Axle: $109.98
Core: $ 40.00
Valve Cover Gasket $ 12.88
Oil Pan Gasket $ 7.97
K&N Oil Filter $ 11.88 ((normally for 300+ horses, but it offers the best protection against dirt, metal chips, etc))
Mobil1 Syn 10w-30 $ 5.28/qt
Im not going cheap with him, when it comes to car parts, you get what you pay for. Plus he deserves every bit of it. Indulgence for me doesn't come monetarily, I love spending time with my family, and if money is needed, my indulgence comes from indulging my vehicle lol, he gets the parts, I get the time and patience with his repairs, I love working on vehicles, thats my true indulgence.
His foundation for repairs is not being set on these, the foundation for him is going to be set in a few weeks, with minor things. Though they all build up to a major fix. Its a tune up. That will definitly make him feel better heh. I will list the parts as I get them.
Tune up Tip: When buying the parts, don't always go cheap, you get what you pay for normally, if you buy cheal, chance is you will be replacing the same part, possibly others that that particular part could have screwed up. With oil filters, buy the better ones, the tough guard, pure one, etc. Spending the extra money is worth it when it comes to maintaining your vehicle. Another note, DON'T BUY WEAREVER BRAKES! THEY SUCK, I recommend Bendix or Brembo heh. And after your tune up is done, watch over the parts, don't assume it is done and good to go when the hood is closed. Check the parts after the first week, and then every two weeks after that to make sure it is working properly with the other components. If you need assistance with parts, maintanence, assistance, I will help you as best I can
Email me at: Crimsonlupo@yahoo.com