Apr 27, 2013 10:52
I have been hanging on by my fingernails to Supernatural. I just stopped watching at about 8.14 - couldn't summon the interest. I think I disliked Sam so utterly by that point that it just soured the whole thing. I took a break of about six weeks, during which time I immersed myself in all things Justified/Jacob Pitts-ish, and kept dutifully downloading SPN without feeling the remotest desire to watch. At last, a week ago, I sat through the eps I missed.
The first couple almost reinforced for me that I was done, after seven and a half years of loyal enjoyment. The writing had become so careless; in one week, Dean is the expert on lore - the next, Sam has to explain what familiars are to him. Yes, of course, that's exposition for the watcher. But I can think of a dozen ways, straight off my head, where such exposition could have occurred without traducing Dean's character. (Dean to witch bloke: Yeah, yeah, I get it. The whole familiar thing - spirit guide for witches, right? It's creepy as hell, man. Or Sam to familiar: I know what your role is, you're his spirit guide, friend and family all in one - but what's with the human form? etc etc.) And let's not even touch upon the PoC woman in a chain and collar.~shudder~
That same ep, Dean is complaining that 'the guy saved our lives once' and they have to help him. Presumably, this is the same Dean who laid down the loyalty law to Sam and went to prison to save a friend in 'Folsom Blues'. I don't know who this Dean is, but he ain't mine.
Throw in Dean apologising to Sam *yet again*, and I was ready to walk.
The episode where Benny sacrificed himself almost sealed the deal - apparently, one can simply walk into Mordor after all. I am persistently bemused by the fact that Crowley doesn't kill the Winchesters out of hand. He stands and watches them drive away - if I recall correctly, he was able to manifest himself in the Impala at will in previous seasons.
It's all gotten too sloppy. I like the MoL idea, and bunker. I love Dean nesting. The trials seem tiresome.
But - I *loved* this episode. Eight-twenty may have pulled me back in. So many good things - smart!Dean, loving!Dean, gorgeous big brother Dean. When he hugged Charlie on sight, I knew good things would ensue. Sam actually looked ill (I dislike it when shows say a character is struggling and they're there looking rosy-fresh). I am always happy to see Charlie. There was genuine humour, genuine sadness, genuine kindness. Genuine smarts in the writing.
Robbie Thompson, Robert Singer, together you have just stopped me from pulling the plug. I will always adore Dean and JA, but I almost ducked out of the Supe-loop. If the show can stay at this standard again, I'll be here for another year.