Dec 16, 2011 09:40
After yesterday's heart-ripping entry I thought of about another twenty moments of heartbreak I could have added (Dean teaching Sam how to look after the Impala when he's gone...wibble). But onto better and happier things.My favourite funny moments- and this one proved to be truly difficult, because it's rare that there's not at least one laugh in any particular episode. It's One of the things I love about the show; it doesn't need to be grim-faced all the time, even when the subject matter is bleak. And I think that brings an element of truth to it all, too; the biggest laughs I've ever had in my life were when things were most critical, and the funniest people I've met have been those involved in life-or-death jobs.
So, on the tenth day of Christmas my true love brought to me as s/he crossed their legs and sprayed the keyboard;
1) Changing Channels. What to pick here? "No guts no glory"? Surgeon Sam? The credits? All of the above, but the one that will remain with me as a catchcry and as a beacon of fabulousness to which all gameshows should aspire; "Nutcracker!"
2) Frontierland. There were a lot of great moments, but I liked the delivery on Dean's, "Huh. Probably should have see that one coming" as the phoenix shot the guy in the cell.
3) Tall Tales. Oh,so many great lines. Being probed again. And again, and again,and again, and again, and then once more. Dean's suave recollections of his pick up scene. "It's like staring at the sun..." Ah, too many. But I think Sam wins this - either with his "Blah blah. Blah blah blah. BLAAAAH." Or "I feel your pain."
4) Playthings. When Dean wants to poke the old woman with a stick, and Sam's reaction.
5) A Very Supernatural Christmas. The way the whole thing just dumped all over the Fifties nostalgia of Christmas was a complete treat.And I cannot recall ever hearing any other character in any other TV show ever saying "Sweet Saint Peter on a Popsicle Stick." But Sanat's porno and "Mistle my toe" probably wins for me, along with the lads' feeble attempt at carol-singing.
6) The French Mistake. Dean's horror at wearing make-up, Sam's bad acting, Serge swaying away from the bullet, Kripke getting gunned down. But I think Misha won this one. Everything he did was so spot-on, the texting, the squeal of terror, and the way he pushed the make-up girl aside (an ad-lib, apparently) was perfect.
7) Monster movie. Dean in lederhosen? "Big pretzel!" Male re-hymenation - ah, there's a concept for the ages. So many good things, but the Dracula wannabe offering a coupon for his garlic free pizza probably wins.
8) Phantom Traveller. Dean trying to calm himself on the plane was a wonderful subversion of the character's previous badassery.
9) Bobby's kiss with Crowley. Crowley makes me laugh, he's so crashingly camp, and the way he insults the boys is always a delight ("Good thing you've got your looks."). And the line that wins for me; "But why did you have to use tongue?"
10) Provenance; a silly little thing, and I'm sure no one else has this one, but I always giggle when Dean calls Sam "Jared." I just love that it got through!
Now I've left out a thousand great moments - I lost my shoe, Morons!, antiquers, clowns or midgets - so many. Thank you, Kripke and co, for so many laughs along the way.
So what do you think? What are your funniest memories?