(no subject)

Aug 31, 2010 01:16

So, it's now officially the day after my birthday. I can never be on time, but this time I've only missed my actual birthday by a couple of hours, so that's much better than usual.

The family doesn't do birthday celebrations every year--we get "milestones." The last was for my 40th, so my being 60 it was time for another. I really did have a good birthday. We celebrated on Saturday, as that was the day everyone could get together. It was a bright, late afternoon and evening with a cool breeze, and as we ate and enjoyed one another's company the light just fell away. Later, at home, the moon was rising and the evening star was bright.

I knew they were taking me out to dinner, but I got surprised with flowers, balloons, gifts, a cake and even a little wine. My niece brought both of her small dogs around to the condo after dinner--they're a pug and a Cavy King Charles/English bulldog cross (I'd like to know how THAT happened), both lively smooch bestowers and love sponges, so we had a nice evening visiting and playing with the dogs.

I love my family, but I get embarrassed by fuss, so I'm kind of glad I won't have to do this again until I'm 80. By that time I'll probably be more concerned with whether or not the soft-boiled eggs they're serving for lunch at the nursing home are digestible and wondering when they'll go home so I can take my afternoon nap, dammit.

So, it was a good day.
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