Mar 25, 2009 18:56

I decided to do Dicky's book meme to get my brain refocused after reading the latest posting to the exchange for ariadne1. It has been many years since I have read such a powerful piece of writing, and I need time to think about it. So...

1. Which author do you own the most books by? Robertson Davies, Balzac.

2. What book do you own the most copies of? Le Mort D'Arthur. Five, including one modern language text and one verbatim Mallory, but I've been obsessed with the Matter of Britian since about age 10 (Howard Pyle, what can I say?). It has never lost its grip.

3. Did it bother you that both tose questions ended with prepositions? Nope.

4. What fictional character are you secretly in love with? Edward Fairfax Rochester or else Odysseus that craftiest and most intelligent of heroes.

5. What book have you read the most times in your life? Hum...there have been several.

6. What was your favorite book when you were 10 years old? I really can't remember.

7. What is the worst book you have read in the past year? In Search of Stones by M. Scott Peck. One of the most self-indulgent pieces of twabble it has been my displeasure to come across.

8. What is the best book you have read in the past year. Really, Joe Abercrombie's trilogy.

9. If you could force everyone to read one book, what would it be? The old version of the Old Testament King James Bible style. Just for the language.

10. Who deserves the next Nobel Prize for literature? No idea. Except in a very narrow field I rarely read anything that is less than 50 years old. Not sobbery, just not enough time or money.

11. What book would you most like to see made into a movie? None.

12. What book would you least like to see made into a movie? None.

13. Describe your weirdest dream involving a writer, book or literary character. I dreamed I was having lunch with David Copperfield on a trolley.

14. What is the most lowbrow book you have read as an adult? Several things by Anne Rice.

15. What is the most difficult book you have read? Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion.

16. What is the most obscure Shakespeare play you've seen? In what sense obscure--difficult of comprehension or seldom performed?

17. Do you prefer the French or the Russians? The French.

18. Roth or Updike? Cheest! See #10 above.

19. David Sedaris or Dave Eggers? Not familiar with Dave Eggers.

20. Shakespeare, Milton or Chaucer. Chaucer.

21. Austen or Elliot? Austen.

22. What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading? Almost anything published after 1900.

23. What is your favorite novel? Cousin Bette.

24. Play? Have not seen enough plays to judge.

25. Poem? Yeats, The Tower.

26. Essay? Haven't read any since Lamb so cannot judge.

27. Short story? Sorry.

28. Work of nonfiction? Shelby Grant's three volume history of the Civil War.

29. Who is your favorite writer? Balzac.

30. Who is the most overrated writer alive today? See #10.

31. What is your desert island book? Just one?

32. And...what are you reading right now? Greek Religion by Burkett.


book meme

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