It is hot as balls in this room

Jul 16, 2006 23:42

School is going well for me. I got a 80 on my first quiz (it was only 5 questions and I missed one, so whatever). 1 week down, 7 weeks to go!

Work is not going nearly as well. I think I might be getting laid off again soon. I need to find a decent job, for once, that will last me 3 or 4 years.

I saw both Superman Returns and Pirates 2. Superman Returns was okay, but nothing really happened. Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey play their part well. The woman who plays Lois Lane was pretty good too, but for some reason I can't remember now I wasn't all into her as a character. The girl who played Kitty, however, was well done. The CGI in the movie were pretty well done, I thought.

Pirates 2 was okay. The special effects were very good, and the acting was solid all around. The throwbacks to the fist movie was kind of funny at first, but gold old fast. I did like the fact that two characters from the previous movie became regulars again, because I liked them. I don't mind the cliffhanger ending, except for the fact that the next movie won't be released until next year. I did think that an early scene involving cannibals on an island could have been completely done away with. It was long, fairly boring, and added nothing to the plot.

Also, SNAKES ON A PLANE! I saw two trailers today: one in the theater before pirates, and one on TV. I'm excited! Also, V for Vendetta comes out on DVD next month. Hooray for that.

movies, school, work

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