Moving and the like...

Feb 07, 2007 15:06

So, the move went ok. I haven't moved all of my stuff yet, but most of it. There's still some little stuff here and there around Chaplin Haus. Brought the cats two days ago, they are so scared. Surprisingly Bobby has been a lot braver than Vito when it comes to roaming around though.

I've discovered Monday mornings are hell. At around 5-6am the garbage trucks come to take the dumpsters behind Arts...which is DIRECTLY beside my bedroom window. Next Monday I think I'm going to see if maybe they'll change the schedule for that one..unlikely..but I might as well ask since I'll be awake anyway.

The last 3 days they've had an electrician in so he's been there at 8:30 every there's holes in the walls and the place is an absolute disaster area. It's kind of stressful because I haven't had a chance to actually live in the new place yet.

There's still plenty of painting that needs done. In two rooms I ran out of paint, the others we just need to do the ceiling edges. But they are such pretty colours! :)

We have no internet until the 28th because Bell is dumb. Tim called well in advance about the change of address but they messed up the phone number so sent it somewhere else. So Tim called after a few days wondering why we had no internet and fixed the phone number mix up. Then after the 5th day we still had no internet so Tim called again but kept getting call center techies because it was after business hours and they don't have access to the "office notes". So finally he called during the day and got a hold of someone who works directly for Bell and they tell him there's no line to our place so we have to wait until the 28th...It's SOOOOOO boring there.

On a good note though when I was here picking up the cats Garage called a month after I applied to set up an interview for assistant manager. I really hope I get it. I applied a year ago there for another job but it went to someone who already worked for them.

Sooo..that's what's new. :) I probably won't be answering any comments for a while..well, until I'm here again (at Chaplin).
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