Jun 10, 2009 21:21
I finished a book last night called "From Time to Time" by Jack Finney. OMG... I have no idea how in the heck he thinks of the things that he does. I mean... he doesn't do it anymore since he's dead, but holy crap he wrote some fine stuff. This particular book started off innocently enough, which by now I should recognize as the tactic of Finney. He holds everything back until the very end! and by the end of the book you're so sucked into it that you're hopeless! You have to finish reading it or it will haunt you forever. Then when you get to the end it's like BAM! in the face and you spin around wondering wtf just hit you. lol, not really but yeah he's good. It's too bad a lot of his stuff is out of print or I would buy it all. ^_^